‘Hateful Eight’ Composer Ennio Morricone Calls Quentin Tarantino a “Cretin”


The ‘Hateful Eight’ composer also called the director’s films “trash.”

It seems Ennio Morricone is not a fan of Quentin Tarantino.

In a recent interview with the German edition of Playboy, The Hateful Eight composer called the director a “cretin” and said his films were “trash.” 

“He just steals from others and puts it together again,” Morricone told the magazine. “There is nothing original about that. And he is not a director either. So not comparable to real Hollywood greats like John Huston, Alfred Hitchcock or Billy Wilder. They were great. Tarantino is just cooking up old stuff.” 

Morricone — who has a long, illustrious career as a composer — won an Academy Award for his score to Tarantino’s film The Hateful Eight in 2015.

Despite the honor, Morricone did not enjoy working in the project. 

“He calls out of nowhere and then wants to have a finished film score within days. Which is impossible,” he said in the interview. “Which makes me crazy! Because that’s just not possible. And I do not go there anymore. I told him that last time. But next time I will be tough.”

Among the Italian composer’s best-known scores are The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Once Upon a Time in the West

Morricone, who recently turned 90, said of Tarantino: “The man is a cretin.” 

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