Hawaii will ban the sale of sunscreens related to damage from coral reefs


  Hawaii will ban the sale of sunscreens related to coral reef damage

The researchers found that oxybenzone, a common UV filtering compound, is found in high concentration in the waters surrounding coral reefs the most popular in Hawaii. Photo: James Watt / NOAA

Hawaii will become the first state to ban sunscreens containing two chemicals believed to damage coral reefs, after Governor David Ige signed the law Tuesday.

The bill, which will take effect in 2021 the sale and distribution of oxybenzone and octinoxate, common UV filtering ingredients found in chemical sunscreens.

Scientists have found that both of these substances are toxic to coral reefs and may increase bleaching, the leading cause of coral mortality in the world. In addition to being a major tourist attraction, coral reefs are the most productive marine ecosystems in the world and protect the coast against storm surges.

According to the bill, "Environmental contamination of oxybenzone and octinoxate persists in coastal waters of Hawaii. constantly renewed and renewed every day by swimmers and beach lovers. "

Sunscreens containing these ingredients would only be available for those who have a prescription.Physical sunscreens will still be available for residents and tourists seeking to protect their skin, which contain minerals such as lemonade. zinc oxide and titanium dioxide to physically block UVA and UVB rays from skin lesions

Ige said in a statement: "Our natural environment is fragile and our own interaction with the earth can have lasting impacts. New law is only one step towards protecting the health and resilience of Hawaii's coral reefs. "

Ige said that the state would implement 39, other measures to protect corals, including the fight against invasive species.] [ad_2]
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