Hawaiian Supreme Court gives go-ahead to giant telescope


Two large white domes on a reddish landscape.
enlarge / Keck 1 and Keck 2, near the summit of Mauna Kea.

The giant volcanoes of Hawaii 's Big Island held a special place for the Polynesians who first settled there, with the peak of Mauna Kea being reserved for that society' s elite. But in recent years, they have become one of the best telescopes in the world. For the past several years, those legacies have been broken up by a mix of protests, hearings, and legal maneuvers.

Scientists wanted to build one of our next-generation giant telescopes on Mauna Kea and received approval from the state to do so. Native goal Hawaiians and their supporters, disturbed by the ever-growing population of observatories and poor past stewardship of the mountain, protested and appealed. Now, the state's Supreme Court has issued a comprehensive review of the state of the environment. This appears to be the last hurdle astronomers faced before starting construction.

A contentious history

Scientists have been building telescopes with the approval of the United States of America. Over time, however, three trends set the stage for the current controversy. One was that a telescope, an ounce built, and the people doing the building do not always want to keep the hardware unobtrusive or minimize the environmental damage of construction. At the same time, who knew about their ancestors, Hawaiians, and their knowledge of their political and religious practices. Work on Mauna Kea and many other features.

When the Hawaiian Board of Land and Natural Resources approved the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope, it was off to extensive protests. The purpose of this procedure is to establish a new approach to the approval process by the Hawaiian Supreme Court. Back to the Board of Land and Natural Resources.

The original agreement had already been placed on a remote location. The new agreement between the board and astronomers made some significant additions. More money would be spent on programs, including scholarships, that involve the local community. Three older telescopes on the mountain would be removed, and a closed access road would be restored to its former state. Another two telescopes would be slated for closure before 2034. The agreement, and the studies that supported it, were approved by a retired judge who was brought in to adjudicate the issue.

The Supreme Court's Decision on Wednesday. These conditions are of the nature of the annexation of the United States of America.

A decisive ruling

Many of these issues have been handled succinctly. As the decision was made at the planetarium, the family's membership was not a conflict of interest. And the state is bound by the Federal Supreme Court decisions, which have treated Hawaii's state government as valid. Many other issues have been handled by noting that the decisions made by the Board of Land and Natural Resources were not legally unreasonable and therefore not reversible by the court.

The crux of the decision, however, comes down to the conclusion that the Board of Land and Natural Resources has made the decision to approve the final agreement. These decisions were made in the past by a Supreme Court decision that seeks to "help ensure the enforcement of traditional and appropriate Native Hawaiian rights.

"The BLNR [Board of Land and Natural Resources] "The BLNR found no native Hawaiian cultural resources or traditional or customary practices within the TMT Observatory site and Access Way areas." not be visible from Lake Waiau, Pu'u Līlīnoe, or Kūkahau'ula, which are culturally sensitive areas of the summit of Mauna Kea. "The nearest site of historic significance was a single stone wedged, and that was 225 feet away from any planned buildings.

Thus, with the Board of Land and Natural Resources, it is allowed to stand. While pursuing some of the issues-such as free exercise of religious practices-might be possible in federal courts, the decision leaves the state permitting process in the clear. The opponents of the Thirty Meter Telescope may also be trying to build through further protests.

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