Hazmat costumes needed to clean $ 5 million from homes destroyed by Airbnb


When property manager Egan Lim arrived on Sunday to review the San Francisco luxury home that he oversees, he was shocked by what he saw.

After three and a half months of stay, Airbnb customers reported finding needles scattered throughout the house, folded spoons, full bins, droppings, empty Amazon boxes, open containers and other items. other wastes.

"We went in to look at the property and immediately felt the stink right outside the door," Lim told KTVU. "When we entered, we saw garbage everywhere."

Lim, in a lawsuit for hazardous materials, told the TV channel that he suspected the $ 5 million home had been hired to be used as a "safe place for [the renter] inject heroin. "

In addition to a serious cleaning, Lim said that he had to call on the services of pest control and a plumber.

Airbnb has a comprehensive guarantee for these types of incidents, as shown on its website.

Airbnb said that this type of significant damage is extremely rare, but in the event that a tenant causes such vandalism on the property of a host, the company offers up to $ 1 million in financial protection in repairs. Airbnb is currently working with the host of this rental property.

The company has issued the following statement:

"There have been more than 300 million guest arrivals and the negative incidents are extremely rare.We have zero tolerance for this type of behavior and have removed this person from our community.We are in touch with our host and fully support our Host Guarantee Program, keeping our community safe is our priority. "

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