HBO's Watchmen Series Unveils Enigmatic First Look


Who's watching the guards, indeed? The title of guardiansAlan Moore and Dave Gibbons 'iconic cartoon series from the late' 80s have long been a puzzle, as the group of superheroes in the story do not bear that name (though he was in the 2009 film adaptation of director Zack Snyder). Instead, this word usually appears in comics only as a question posed by New York graffiti: "Who's watching the guards?" This same question adorns the caption of the first look at the upcoming HBO show. guardians show, a post on Instagram featuring a mysterious figure dressed in a police uniform and a yellow mask.

guardians is a story about the failure of superheroes. This central question poses a formidable challenge to heroic myths: if superheroes are supposed to watch and protect us, who is there to watch and protect them? They could surely use their own protection; after all, the original story of guardians begins with an investigation into why so many superheroes are mysteriously murdered. The person doing this investigation is a superhero named Rorschach, whose business card is his face mask filled with moving ink stains. In his open letter to fans explaining that this version of guardians Showrunner Damon Lindelof wrote: "Some characters will be unknown. New faces. New masks to cover them. So, even though this yellow facial mask is a tribute to Rorschach, it almost certainly belongs to a new character.

The yellow color, however, has its own rich symbolic lineage in guardians. The most recognizable symbol of the series is a yellow button with a smiling face stained by a drop of blood (intended to evoke both the needles of the catastrophic clock and the idea of ​​the loss of innocence of the childhood).

As for the uniform of the police … when the Roman satirist Juvenal asked for the first time to "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" ("Who is watching the guards?") There are hundreds of them. years, it certainly did not refer exclusively to superheroes, the people responsible for protecting the public. And the police play an important role in the original guardians story. In the comic, the reason the superheroes went out of fashion was that the police, exasperated by the superhero theft, began a mass strike in the 1970s, forcing the government to pass an anti-terrorism bill. -justicier.

guardians is scheduled to hit HBO in 2019. Check out the first Instagram post below.

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