"He should not be anywhere near these playoff games."


<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Yankees starter CC Sabathia and referee Ángel Hernández does not get along very well. At the end of April, Sabathia had a frustrating start at which he barked at Hernández: "Do not talk to me. Call f – king stkes! "" Data-reactid = "18"> Yankees starter CC Sabathia and referee Ángel Hernández do not get along very well. At the end of April, Sabathia had a frustrating start at which he barked at Hernández: "Do not talk to me. Call f-king stkes!

As fate had announced, Hernández was behind the plate calling the balls and scored the goal of Sabathia's match 4 against the Red Sox on Tuesday night. If the Yankees lost, they would be eliminated in the playoffs and the Red Sox would head to the ALCS to face the Astros.

In defense of Hernández, his calls to the ball and the attack were correct and did not affect Sabathia's lack of success in match 4. Of course, there is had some questionable calls, but there are always some, no matter who is the referee, and no one has come. in highly leveraged situations. Sabathia got three places in the third inning before leaving. In total, he allowed three runs on five hits and two walks, with a shootout save on 59 shots.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "After the game, Sabathia left for Hernandez. Tim Healey of NewsdaySabathia said, "It is absolutely terrible. He was terrible behind the plate today. He was terrible at first goal. It's amazing how he gets jobs in those playoff games. "" Data-reactid = "21"> After the match, Sabathia left for Hernández. Tim Healey of NewsdaySabathia said, "It is absolutely terrible. He was terrible behind the plate today. He was terrible at first goal. It's amazing how he gets jobs in those playoff games. "

More from Sabathia, per Healey:

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Paired with his under-dressed showing as a referee of first base In match 3, Hernández did not spend much time, he's long been one of the least popular baseball umpires.Even in the last two years we have covered Sabathia, Anthony Rizzo, and Ian Kinsler reproaching Hernández. Former players Chipper Jones and Paul LoDuca were among the players tweeting with match 3 last night and taking the opportunity to criticize Hernández. And if the answers I read to my message last night are an indication, it does not have a lot of fans among baseball fans, either. "Data-reactid =" 25 "> Paired with his underside showing as first base referee in Game 3, Hernández has not been very successful, he has long been one of the least popular baseball umpires. Even in the last two years we have covered Sabathia, Anthony Rizzo, and Ian Kinsler blames Hernández. Former players Chipper Jones and Paul LoDuca were among the players tweeting with match 3 last night and taking the opportunity to criticize Hernández. And if the answers I read to my message last night are an indication, it does not have a lot of fans among baseball fans.

All that being said, Sabathia could probably have chosen a better time to face Hernández. Doing this immediately after one of the teams has been eliminated from the playoffs will give the impression that it is really salty to lose and want to attack him. Sabathia could also have expressed his concerns more diplomatically if he was really worried about getting better referees for the play-offs.

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "When Rick Porcello, who opposed Sabathia in Match 4, got wind of Sabathia's comments, he said (via James Wagner from The New York Times), "Throw the ball on the plate C.C. I thought that Ángel Hernández called a good match. You must pull the ball over the white part of the plate, then the strikes are called. "" Data-reactid = "27"> When Rick Porcello, who opposed Sabathia in Game 4, heard about Sabathia's comments, he said (via James Wagner from The New York Times), "Throw the ball on the plate C.C. I thought that Ángel Hernández called a good match. The ball must pass over the white part of the plate and the strikes are called. "

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