"He will use words that others will not use": Jamie Dimon, of JPMorgan,


US President Donald Trump stands next to Jamie Dimon, general manager of JPMorgan Chase & Co., left, while he welcomes attendees at a meeting of the Strategic and Political Forum at the Hall at eat from the White House in Washington, United States. Friday, February 3, 2017. Photographer: Andrew Harrer / Bloomberg (Andrew Harrer / Bloomberg)

NEW YORK – The discussion at JPMorgan Chase's headquarters was to discuss the new $ 500 million philanthropic program to boost US cities, but CEO Jamie Dimon had a common question: would he run for president?

Dimon gave a brutal response: "I think I could beat Trump. … I am as hard as he is, I am smarter than him.

Dimon made a quick retreat, but Trump fought back on Thursday morning, saying Dimon "does not have the aptitude or wisdom" to run for president.

The 24-hour kerfuffle between the country's leader and the head of its biggest bank enlightened Wall Street, which has almost achieved record profits under the Trump administration.

During his more than ten years at the helm of JPMorgan, Dimon has been able to retain the business world, but has also acquired a reputation for sometimes shattering behavior. "He will use words that others will not use," said Mike Mayo, a long-time banking analyst, who also compared Queens to a "street athlete."

He comes at a time when Dimon has become a major player in Washington as president of the Business Roundtable, a powerful lobbying group that represents CEOs of major US companies. He also participated in Trump's strategic and political forum until its dissolution last year. His frequent trips to the city – he is often spotted at the Capitol meeting with lawmakers – have sparked speculation that he could prepare to run for president, a possibility that Dimon has repeatedly rejected. (BetDSI, online bookmaker, gives Dimon 60 chances to run in 2020.)

"The result is that Jamie would be a superb president of the United States," said billionaire Ken Langone, who has already tried to hire Dimon to run Home Depot. "That's all I'm going to say about it."

Dimon's emphasis on the country's political issues has exacerbated presidential speculation. About a third of Dimon's latest annual letter to shareholders was devoted to political topics, including "the need for solutions by a collaborative and competent government" and "the growing US budget deficit and setting 'eligibility".

"We need to do a better job of managing our economy if we want it to be world class," Dimon said in his letter. "Finally, giving up the lead role of the United States on the world stage is a bad idea for everyone – inside and outside our beautiful country.

Dimon has finances in his blood. His father was a stockbroker in New York. According to Last Man Standing, a biography of Dimon by Duff McDonald, he attended the Browning School, the elite of Manhattan, where he finished fourth in his class and excelled in mathematics. Even then, he was known for his outspokenness and willingness to challenge authority.

Dimon has long been a darling of Wall Street, helping JPMorgan through the global financial crisis and making almost record profits ten years later. "He is the last CEO to have left the financial crisis," said Ken Leon, CFRA Research Banking Analyst.

But it has not always been smooth. In 2012, JPMorgan suffered a massive loss as a result of damaging bets initiated by a trader known as "London Whale", which ultimately cost the bank at least $ 6.2 billion. Dimon was confronted with a questioning by Congress and rejected an attempt by some shareholders to get rid of his role as president, leaving him only the chief executive of the bank.

Dimon and Trump are not known to be close friends but are both successful New York business leaders. Dimon comes from the banking sector. Trump is a product of New York's real estate circles, where he has enriched the family fortune created by his father. ("And by the way, this wealthy New Yorker earned his money, it was not a dad's present," said Dimon during the fireside conversation on Tuesday, pointing out that he's grown up in the poorest part of Queens. ")

In fact, this is not the first time Trump criticizes DIMON. In 2013, JPMorgan was trying to settle charges that it had sold bad loans in anticipation of the financial crisis. Dimon was called to Washington to personally meet with Attorney General Eric Holder to negotiate an agreement, while the cameras followed him as he approached the door of the Department of Justice. The potential settlement of $ 13 billion is one of the most costly penalties ever paid by a company.

"I do not believe in case resolution. I'm not Jamie Dimon, who pays $ 13 billion to settle a case and pays $ 11 billion to settle a case, "said Trump at the time. Dimon, "I think, is the worst banker in the United States."

During his presidential campaign, Trump often appeared at war with the Wall Street elite. But that began to change once he was president and hired several prominent former bankers to key positions. Trump would have even considered Dimon as the treasury secretary.

Last year, when Trump announced a major effort to loosen up Wall Street regulations, especially the financial reform measures adopted by Dodd Frank in 2010, he stressed the potential contribution of Dimon. "There's no one better to talk to me about Dodd-Frank than about Jamie," said Trump, gesturing to the silver-haired executive on the other side of the table.

Congress passed radical legislation at the beginning of the year, easing the main rules of the financial crisis.

On Thursday, when Trump was back at Dimon's, he seemed to be protecting himself a bit. Dimon is a "poor public speaker" and a "nervous disorder". But, Trump said, "otherwise he is wonderful."

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