Head coach Jeremy Pruitt said what the Tennessee players had said against Alabama


After Alabama beat Tennessee 58-21 on Saturday in Knoxville, volunteer coach Jeremy Pruitt and several players met with the media to take stock of defeat.

Here is a summary of what they said:

Head Coach Jeremy Pruitt

Opening statement: "First of all, they have a very good football team, obviously (they have) a lot of playmakers on the offensive side of the ball … you're really far from the sideline. Just like me, at the press conference held earlier this week, these guys can stand in line and throw the ball, and if you play these guys you have to be able to turn it down. have enough guys in the box to stop the race.You must be able to play from man to man.We had a hard time doing it.

"The Defense gave them several looks, but we did not block them in advance, you will not beat anyone if you can not run to football and you are one-dimensional. We knew that I would have to play a perfect match to have a chance to beat them, but what I wanted was that I want to see our guys compete, play hard and keep improving. guys in our team who did it.If you have guys who do not, it does not really show up in the game .I think we learned a lot about our football team today.It There are guys we had in our team that this game was too big for them, and I think everyone could see it, it helps us and we're going to move on, we're playing against a good football team next week so we have to go back to work tomorrow and get ready for the Caroline from the south. . "

If Keller Chryst who was playing for Jarrett Guarantano was completely injured: "Jarrett (Guarantano) was hit, I do not know how many times, probably every time he threw the ball." Keller came in and did good throws, so we stayed with Keller. "

On the message he gave to the team on player recruitment: "We have in our program in 10 months some guys who have really changed their way of thinking." They have changed the way they do things. things everyday, they worked hard, and they tried to do exactly what we wanted them to do.I do not think that much needs to be looked at … if you look at their sideline and look at our line from the side, they hardly resemble each other.

"But some of our team members are attached to the University of Tennessee and are doing it the right way, they have to help us recruit, because we did not have enough guys today who wanted But I think we have a good central group in this group that will be the basis for moving forward, and we have a group of guys here who want to compete and play as they do every day. "

Why does he think his team is struggling to run with the ball: "(Is it the offensive line?) The last two weeks, yes, they are bigger and stronger, can we play with better technical I'm sure we could do it Probably The last two teams have given us the advantage.You have to commit to doing it as an attacker.Every time the offensive has had the ball today, we lost seven points or more, so it's going hand in hand. "

If Guarantano's injury is serious: "No, he will be back."

Here are some examples of guys who do not play well: "When you have guys between them when they run on the field, you do not even keep them. When you can not keep your cool enough to watch the sideline and get the defensive call, it's pretty elemental. I do not know the offensive side, but only on the defensive side, it is quite revealing. I know their signals, I watched their calls. They sort of made the same calls we made, just looking at them there. You call a blitz on a corner, we go back and no one blocks us, and they throw a 50-yard touchdown. I bet you when they call corner blitz, I bet you that their corner did not tippy-toe there. "

On the explanation of Alontae Taylor's expulsion and whistle punishment: "I think it's a lot of calm and experience. Alontae hit the guy. He hit the guy in the head right in front of me. I saw him do it If you look at the whole contract, they lined us up and whipped us between whistles all the time, and we made stupid mistakes, and it's my fault. I have to do a better job to get them to do it right. . "

Along the way, Keller Chryst played: "We gave them unusual looks, probably they had not seen, so it probably had something to do with it, the guys had some protection and he threw the Ball down and played, but we can not be one-dimensional, we have to be able to run football to give our attack a chance. "

About the differences between this year's Alabama team and last year's: "I do not think it's fair, because things are changing every week, but they're very good on offense. They have big men in the front, they have a tie, they are explosive to the wide receiver, it's like I said, you have to be able to refuse the ball. even with them in the box, they will beat you in the running game.If you play them face to face, they will try to run their RPO stuff (run-pass-option) so you have to be able to deny the ball, you should play them from man to man in my opinion. "

How long will it take to compete with Alabama during the four quarters: "You know what, we have four seniors playing in our football team, so we have a lot of guys trying to Unfortunately, we have a few guys right now, we are lean in a few places, and when you start to follow the order, it shows up today, so you really can not tell how some guys have played and I think we can hire 25 guys here and trade 25 against 4. We have some really good seniors working hard, but we really have four who play a lot, so that gives you a chance. "

On the lack of pressure on the defensive line: "They pulled the ball out of the hand and when we got there we could not put the quarterbacks on the ground, when the quarterback pulls the ball, like Jalen Hurts he's running for 35 meters, it looks like we're idling and he's walking in the end zone … that's what it looks like, you have to keep a guy like this before.

On the effort, Kyle Phillips effort on his choice of the sixth choice: "We had a goal to try to win the second half." We're going and Ty Chandler can not get the opening kick of the start And Ty is a very good competitor who tries to do everything we ask him to do.There are a lot of guys trying to do it the right way, but they will not always be perfect, and Ty took the bad decision there Then we walk on the foot of the quarterback Kyle (Phillips) has made considerable efforts and since we are here Kyle, Alexis Johnson, Paul Bain and Shy Tuttle are really the five guys are the seniors who are playing on the defensive side at the moment and who are really the only ones to play, I think Todd Kelly Jr. played it today, they tried to do it in the right way and joined it since we are here. "Alabama's quick start:" I think q they do a very good job mixing what they do. But all good teams have trends, so do a very good job by running it. "

Regarding the types of pressure exerted by Alabama: "I did not see them exerting much pressure.They concluded contracts with five men.In the thunder – the first third – I do not know what pressure it was I think, just a group of five, a lot of it, we had seven players who were blocking four, and our quarterback was still hit, one of them. "

He expects the team to react to today's defeat: "We have not yet determined what we will do on Monday, I think our guys have somehow taken a break in their training and competition. But it takes more than seven in defense and five in attack, it takes 11. It may be that some have tried to do it the right way, but maybe they do not perform – or maybe today, that was not enough, keep working hard and improve. "

Defensive lineman Kyle Phillips

On his interception, he came back for a touchdown: "Obviously, for a defensive lineman, it's not often that you get a choice of six." It was very exciting, it was sure, but I'm disappointed with how the match went. "

After the defeat against Alabama, we wait: "We still have a few games to play and, in my eyes, this is my last year, so we are ready to compete and play the rest of those games. hope to win, the ball is thrown every Saturday, and it's our job to train, it will be Saturday. "

The Alabama team is compared to its previous teams and Tennessee. It's a program: "It's a great team, I have to give them their accessories. They are excellent in defense, defense, special teams. They play very hard, they perform very well. It's a tough team to beat, that's what we're trying to do as a program. It's been my turn, in my last two games as a senior, to lead the way for these young people and for them to know we can be at the University of Tennessee. We are a prominent program and we will be back. "

Linebacker Darrin Kirkland

Getting out faster in games: "It all depends on how we do the practice, we need to start training fast, and all week long we need to show that we need to open the game quickly. start with practice when it comes to performing at a high level early in the game. "

When playing games: "As a defense, we have to go and execute, their offensive is very explosive, and we knew it when we got into the game." We prepared well, but we just have to go to the field and run as defense on all three levels.We must go and compete to the best of our ability, especially against an opponent like Alabama. "

Rainer Sabin is a successful Alabama writer for the Alabama Media Group. Follow him on Twitter @RainerSabin

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