Head of the Russian space wave on the outposts of the moon


MOSCOW – Head of the Russian Space Agency made an opaque statement about his involvement in NASA's plan to build an outpost near the moon, but officials said Russia remains in the plan .

Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin, quoted by Russian news agencies, said on Saturday that Russia would not accept a "second-tier" role in the NASA-led project to build the lunar orbital platform called Gateway. in the 2020s.

Rogozin noted that Russia was working to develop heavy rockets that would allow it to build its own orbital platform near the moon, possibly in cooperation with some BRICS countries – a group including Brazil, China, India and South Africa with Russia.

Roscosmos quickly pointed out that Rogozin did not mean Russia was giving up the NASA-led project, according to the Tass news agency.

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