Health Alert: Hepatitis A Discovery at Michigan Renaissance Festival | Health


A visitor to the Michigan Renaissance Festival in northern Oakland County on September 1 was suffering from hepatitis A, the Oakland County Health Division reported.

Due to this exposure, health officials are asking everyone who attended and worked at the festival on September 1 and 2 to get a hepatitis A vaccine before Saturday – if they have not been vaccinated .

To get vaccinated

"Vaccination can prevent the disease if it is administered within 14 days of potential exposure," said Leigh-Anne Stafford, Health Officer in the Health Division. "If you attended the Michigan Renaissance Festival during these dates and you have not been vaccinated against hepatitis A or have no sudden symptoms, contact your doctor."

Vaccines are available from some health care providers and pharmacies, and are also available at both Health Division offices. Their address are:

● North Oakland Health Center, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Building 34 East, Pontiac,

● South Oakland Health Center, 27725 Greenfield Road, Southfield.

On Friday, September 14, their hours are from 8:30 am to 5 pm and on Mondays their hours are from noon to 8 pm

"The hepatitis A vaccine consists of two doses given six months apart and costs $ 52 per adult dose and $ 38 per child dose," said the health division. "No one will be denied access to services because of their inability to pay.A discounted fee schedule is available.Everyone will be evaluated for eligibility for free vaccine as part of the immunization program for adults. "

About hepatitis A

Last month, the Oakland County Health Division advised residents to take notice of hepatitis A because of an epidemic in the state that had impacted on the count. As of August 1, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services had reported 869 cases of hepatitis A in Michigan, 119 of them in Oakland County.

If you are not able to get the vaccine before Saturday, September 15th, they should be aware of the symptoms, such as:

• sudden abdominal pain

• diarrhea

• nausea

• headache

• dark urine

• vomiting often followed by yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice).

"The symptoms may appear 14 to 50 days after exposure, but on average about a month," said the health division.

Renaissance Festival visitors with questions can call the Oakland County On-Call Nursing Hotline at 1-800-848-5533, which will be open on Friday, September 14 from 8:30 am to 7:00 pm. to answer calls.


Oakland County Health Division Starts Annual Influenza Vaccine Program September 18

North Office of Oakland County Health Division, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac. (Mark Cavitt / The Oakland Press)

The Health Division will also host a special hepatitis A vaccination clinic on:

● Friday, September 14, 8:30 am to 7:00 pm at North Oakland Health Center, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Building 34 East, Pontiac.

● Saturday, September 15, 10 am to 2 pm, at North Oakland Health Center, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Building 34 East, Pontiac.

"We are still struggling with a serious and continuing hepatitis A outbreak both locally and across the state. Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease that can range from a mild illness of a few weeks to a serious illness that can last for several months, "said Stafford. "Vaccination, good hygiene and good surface sanitation can prevent the spread of hepatitis A."

Although the vaccine is the best suggestion to prevent hepatitis A, a liver infection caused by a virus that spreads through faecal contamination, here are some other tips to reduce the risk:

• Wash your hands frequently, especially after using the bathroom, changing diapers and before preparing and eating food. Rub hands vigorously with soap and warm running water for at least 20 seconds.

• Clean and disinfect all surfaces, especially when someone at home or at work has symptoms. Special care should be taken with areas such as toilets, sinks, trash cans, door handles and faucet handles.

• Do not prepare food if you have symptoms and avoid preparing food for at least three days after the symptoms are over.

• Exclude diseased food service workers from the establishment immediately until OCHD clearance is received.

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