Health alert issued after strawberries contaminated with needles in Australia


An Australian state offers a reward for obtaining information after several people reported finding sewing needles or pins in strawberries.

The Queensland Government has provided $ 100,000 (approximately $ 71,510) to anyone with information to arrest and convict the person responsible for strawberry contamination.

"Whoever is behind this is not only putting families at risk in Queensland and the rest of Australia – they are putting an entire area at risk," said Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

"I would invite anyone with information that may be relevant to this incident to contact the police as soon as possible," she said.

On Wednesday, the Queensland Health Service issued a health alert in response to the contamination. The health service advises consumers to cut strawberries before consuming them. The Queensland Police has also opened an investigation.

The health department said three brands of strawberries were recalled. The marks concerned are Berry Obsession, Berry Licious and Donnybrook Berries.

Reports of contaminated strawberries have also surfaced in the neighboring state of New South Wales, but the police say they do not know if the same person or a copier is responsible.

Police in New South Wales have said the Love Berry, Delightful Strawber and Oasis brands may also have been contaminated.

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