Health Check: Glioblastoma | WJAR



Health Report: Glioblastoma. (WJAR)

New research shows that the polio virus can be effective in prolonging the lives of people with glioblastoma, the most deadly type of brain tumor [19659005]. Steven Toms, a neurosurgeon at Rhode Island Hospital and director of the Brain Tumor Program, explains why he is so deadly, with an average life expectancy of two years.

"Whatever I do, there is always a part of the tumor. Even when MRI looks perfect, there are several hundred thousand, if not millions of tumor cells left behind, "said Dr. Toms.

" Glioblastomas are very difficult to treat tumors, "he said. Dr. Alexander Mohler, a neurologist, says that chemotherapy and radiation therapy have helped, but new research from Duke University suggests that the polio virus, combined with the common cold virus, could help prolong the life of some patients

administered by what is called an improved convective delivery, so basically they put a tube in the tumor and administer the drug, "said Mohler." 19659005 "" What we try to do here is to deflect the body's own immune system. "said Toms

Toms says everyone was exposed to the cold virus

" So what the Duke program is trying to do is to d turn the cold virus. the body's ability to recognize some of the polio virus proteins and the rhinoceros virus to start a fire under our immune system and say, hey guys, come here, attack the glioblastoma cells where these viruses are expressed after that. They were put in the brain, "said Toms [19659005] It was a small study with 61 patients, one in five had prolonged survival rates, but this was only the case. a tool, says Toms

There are other immunotherapies in the study, and something called field therapy for the treatment of tumors.The patient wears a cap with four pairs of electrodes

These electrodes interfere with cancer cells when they attempt to divide and spread.

"I personally have two patients who are over 8 years old with this treatment without any sign of disease, "said Toms.

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