Health Department awaits NIV report on Zika strain type | Bhopal News


BHOPAL: Nearly three weeks after Zika's detection in Madhya Pradesh, the state health department is still waiting for the National Institute of Virology (NIV) advanced laboratory test report on the serotype Zika virus.

Zika fever was diagnosed in two other women in the first trimester of pregnancy, according to a health department official. Tests at the regional virology laboratory, AIIMS Bhopal, diagnosed Zika fever in 20 women in the first trimester. The NIV samples were sent on 4 November and the report was expected in 10 days.

A strain of Zika affects pregnant women and can cause birth defects. Unable to provide conclusive evidence and no clear indication of the viral strain, the affected women are under constant surveillance.

"Pregnant women with Zika fever will be under constant surveillance for three months. Until now, the ultrasound performed on these women has shown no signs of abnormality, "said Dr. Ajay Baronia, a national vector-borne disease control program, co-director. The government remains vigilant about the possibility of adverse pregnancy consequences in women exposed to the Zika virus because the strain could mutate in the future or some unknown factors / related to the Zika virus. host could play a role in microcephaly or other congenital anomalies, he added. Advanced molecular studies of Zika virus strains by next-generation sequencing suggest that known fetal microcephaly and high transmissibility mutations of Zika virus in Aedes mosquitoes are not present in the current strain of the virus. Zika who touched Rajasthan. Two new cases who were pregnant and during their first trimester came from Bhopal. The total number of pregnant women infected with Zika virus is about 50 in Madhya Pradesh. More than 70% reduction of affected Zika cases that have passed through are women.

In total, about 130 people were tested positive for fever that spread through mosquito bites.

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