Health Division briefs health care providers on acute flaccid myelitis | Health


The Oakland County Health Division advises local health care providers on the national onset of acute flaccid myelitis.

According to the Health Division, the AFM, a rare and serious condition that is not fully understood, primarily affects children and is not expected to be contagious. This can be a rare complication following a viral infection. Environmental and genetic factors can also contribute to its development.

Symptoms may include:

  • Sudden muscle weakness in the arms and legs
  • Difficulty moving your eyes
  • Eyelids drooping or sagging face
  • Difficulty swallowing or difficulty speaking

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 62 cases have been confirmed in 22 states this year. The CDC has confirmed 386 cases since the start of its screening in 2014.

The Health Division recommends that parents and children take basic steps to prevent infections and stay healthy:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
  • Stay up to date on vaccinations
  • Protect yourself and children from mosquito bites by wearing protective clothing and using an EPA approved insect repellent in areas where mosquitoes are present.

Individuals should immediately contact a health care provider if potential symptoms of PAD occur. It is important that complete tests are performed as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms. There is no specific treatment for AFM, but doctors can recommend certain interventions on a case-by-case basis.

More information is available on the CDC's AFM news page.

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