Health Hazards Of Cooking Enough Thanksgiving Turkey


With Thanksgiving, delicious pies, stuffing, rolls and, of course, turkey.

Whether you are preparing the traditional meal for the first time or you are a seasoned veteran, there is a serious risk of eating undercooked turkey meat, a food poisoning caused by Salmonella.


Read on to discover some of the dangers and how to prevent yourself and others from getting sick.

What are some of the health risks of eating undercooked turkey meat?

"The most common bacteria that people tend to associate with undercooked poultry is salmonella. However, poultry can also carry campylobacter, E. Coli and other bacteria, "said Fox News Dena Champion, a registered dietitian at the Wexner Medical Center at the Ohio State University.

Every year in the United States, about 1.2 million people are infected with Salmonella and about 23,000 are hospitalized, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The disease – which can cause diarrhea, fever, vomiting and abdominal cramps, among other side effects – is usually caused by the consumption of food contaminated with Salmonella, according to Healthline. About 1 million cases of Salmonella infections each year are caused by food, according to the CDC.

"Keep in mind that cross-contamination can put your family at risk," warned Champion.

"While thoroughly cooking your turkey is an important way to stay away from food-borne illness, you can still get sick if the bacteria has infiltrated other surfaces such as cut out, counters, towels, etc.

What is the temperature at which a turkey should be cooked?

A turkey is ready to eat when its internal temperature reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit, Champion added, adding that a "thermometer" should be placed in three places: in the innermost part of the thigh, the innermost part of the wing and the thickest part of the chest. "

Despite popular belief, a turkey is not necessarily ready to go out of the oven if its juice is empty, Live Science specialist Ben Chapman and North Carolina State Assistant Professor of Food Science told Live Science. University.

"The color is not an indicator of safety or cooking," he warned.

How many days after Thanksgiving is it safe to eat well-cooked meat?

In short, about three to four days.

"Do not forget that your leftovers must be stored properly. This means that the turkey remains must be transferred to the refrigerator within two hours of the meal. Otherwise, your leftovers are not safe to consume, "said Champion, reminding turkey lovers that they should freeze anything that was not eaten during this time.

"I encourage people to freeze the amount that they will use in a meal to facilitate thawing later," she added.

To prevent the spread of bacteria, the United States Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Food Inspection Department said the meat should not be refrigerated more than two hours after cooking.

If someone falls ill, what should he do?

People sickened with Salmonella bacteria will usually show the symptoms of infection about 6-48 hours after consuming [infected food]"Said the champion.


"Anyone who is worried about having a foodborne illness should consult a doctor. Patients are usually able to recover without treatment, but keep in mind that they may need intravenous fluids and / or antibiotics, "she said.

Those most at risk of getting a serious Salmonella infection are those with weakened immune systems, pregnant women, children and the elderly, she said. In fact, according to the CDC, children are "at a higher risk of Salmonella infection" and children aged 5 years or younger have "higher rates of Salmonella infection than any other group of children. # 39; age. "

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