LAKE BOTTOM – Although we're still at the beginning of the season, 72 Wisconsinites have tested positive for the dreaded flu virus, health officials said.

If you have not received your flu shot, now is the time, "said Kim Mueller, Chief of Public Health for Fond du Lac County. Every week, between 30 and 40 people are tested for the virus and the scourge of cold weather that causes its victims to fall to bed – sometimes up to a week or two.

On November 21, no confirmed cases were reported in the county, but annual influenza activity generally peaked between December and February.

Influenza is a respiratory illness that can cause fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose or stuffy nose, muscle aches and / or headache.

There are several types of influenza viruses and the vaccines have been updated to better match current strains in circulation this season. This year's vaccine contains two types A and B strains, Mueller said.

Influenza A usually circulates at the beginning of the season, followed by type B strains. It is therefore possible to contract the flu several times. The Wisconsin Department of Health reports that 86% of current confirmed cases have been identified as Type A.

379 people died of influenza in Wisconsin last year

Last year, the flu seized the country and many epidemics were reported throughout the country. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have described Wisconsin influenza as serious, with 379 people dying from the disease and more than 7,500 hospitalized.

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Vaccines have struggled to guard against a particularly aggressive H3N2 flu and hospitals have reported a shortage of some basic supplies, even before an increase in the number of influenza-related hospitalizations. Patients were asked to stay at home and not to see their doctor, except in case of emergency.

Mr. Mueller said that much of this could be avoided with the preventative step of vaccination before the flu spreads through a community. This not only protects the recipient, she says, but all the people they come into contact with.

"The beginning of the holidays is imminent and we will see more and more elderly parents and families with new babies," she said. "Although some people say they never get sick, they can spread the virus and pass it on to a less fortunate person."

Infants, young children and the elderly are at greater risk, said Brenda Grass, MD, pediatric / pediatric physician, Agnesian HealthCare. These are the groups of people who suffer the most from complications related to the flu, such as pneumonia, and who are more likely to be hospitalized.

Last year, the CDC reported 179 deaths from influenza in the pediatric population. With the exception of the 2009 pandemic, child deaths in 2017-2018 were the highest since 2004, and 49% occurred in previously healthy children, according to Agnèsian.

The sooner a child can receive the flu shot at six months.

Health experts say vaccines not only protect individuals, but also prevent the spread of the flu

It takes about 10 to 14 days after a vaccine for one person to get his full immunity, but that immediately starts to boost immunity, Mueller said. Even a small buildup of anti-body can reduce the severity and duration of the disease.

Typical symptom relief includes fluid absorption and rest. The general rule is to stay at home after school or work until at least 24 hours without fever, without using anti-fever medication.

If the flu is diagnosed within 48 hours, Tamiflu, an antiviral agent, can be prescribed and can sometimes shorten the course of the disease, Grass said.

Prevention, with the flu shot, is about good hygiene habits. The virus can survive for short periods of time on surfaces such as doorknobs, toys, pens or pencils, keyboards, telephones, tablets and counters. It can also be transmitted through shared cooking utensils and drink

"Preventing the flu, it's like preventing any viral disease," Grass said. "Washing your hands well, not sharing food or drinks, and keeping your daily environment clean will help."

Each year, the Fond du Lac County Health Department visits 55 public and private schools in the county to offer free flu shots. About 30% of parents take advantage of this service, Mueller said.

The cost of an influenza vaccine through the Ministry of Health is $ 30 per dose and a high dose vaccine (for those 65 and older) is $ 75. Nasal fog is not recommended or available this year.

Vaccines are available from 8:30 pm to 4 pm Monday to Friday, third floor of the County Civic Center, 160 South Macy Street

Vaccines are also available in pharmacies in the region.

A vaccination clinic is planned from 15h to 17h. December 10 at the Ministry of Health.

For people who can not afford the flu shot, the health department and the Sainte-Agnès Hospital team up to help people who are not eligible for medical assistance or through insurance that does not cover them.

If anyone falls into this gap, contact the Department of Health at 920-929-3085 and his team will look at individual situations to meet his specific needs.

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