Health officials report additional cases during Ebola outbreak in DRC, the third largest country in the country


Health officials report additional cases during Ebola outbreak in DRC, the third largest country in the country

CIDRAP News: DRC records 17 new cases of Ebola in the third largest epidemic in the country
"During the weekend and [Monday], officials have recorded 17 new cases of Ebola and 10 other deaths in the ongoing epidemic in the far east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). … The current epidemic, the 10th largest in the country, is now the third largest in the DRC, after the 1976 epidemic in Yambuku (318 cases) and that of Kikwit in 1995 (315 cases). The epidemic is now the sixth largest in the world since Ebola was detected for the first time in 1976 … "(Soucheray, 10/29).

Homeland Preparedness News: Armed rebellion hampers Democratic Republic of Congo's response to Ebola outbreak
"Continued attacks by rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo prevent health officials from fighting the spread of an Ebola outbreak in the affected areas. … because the risk of spread remains high, according to the WHO [it] does not intend to reduce its intervention team composed of more than 250 people. They are calling for increased efforts to prepare in areas adjacent to infected people to enable rapid detection, investigation, and response … "(Galford, 10/29).

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