Health officials urge residents to get flu shots | Local News


As the state reported its first lab-confirmed flu cases last week, local health officials recommend county residents get their flu as soon as possible.

Two laboratory-confirmed cases of seasonal influenza have been diagnosed in an adult and a child in the Central and Eastern Shore regions, the Maryland Department of Health announced Oct. 16. The Influenza A (H1) Type B (Victoria).

Flu, short for influenza, is a contagious respiratory disease that costs the nation billions of dollars in lost productivity and adverse health costs every year. Along with fever, body aches, fatigue, coughing and sore throat, flu could lead to complications and even death.

Because of the strains of influenza, you are recommended to get vaccinations. And the best time to do it is now.

The flu season predominantly lasts from early October to late April. Nationwide, a flu-related death has already been reported in Florida.

A child in Florida, who did not receive the vaccination and did not have an underlying medical condition, died recently, according to Florida health officials. The child's death was the first influenza-related pediatric death reported in the country this flu season.

"It's a real illness. It's a real risk, "St. Mary's County Health Officer Dr. Meena Brewster said by phone last week.

Brewster said it was too early to tell the trend this year, but this year was diagnosed long before the confirmed cases reported by the state this week.

"Just like last year, we expect this to be a strong season," she said.

Last school year, St. Mary's public schools saw tenfold increase in the number of students from school due to the flu compared to the previous year.

Nationwide, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rated the number of children in the world as high as 700,000 people hospitalized across the nation. CDC said 80 percent of the children who died last year did not receive flu vaccination.

"One is too many," Melanie Gardiner, Community Health Nurse Program Supervisor at the Charles County Health Department, said by phone last week. "Absolutely be vaccinated. Everybody needs to be vaccinated so we can prevent flu in the community. "

While the success rate of flu vaccines varies from year to year, health experts will emphasize the best protection against a possible deadly illness.

Calvert Health Officer Dr. Larry Polsky said that it is possible for people to get vaccinated, but the symptoms are less severe.

Since it is a highly contagious illness, it has had a high incidence of adverse events, especially those with compromised immune systems.

Unlike the previous two years, CDC recommends a nasal spray called FluMist for women who are not pregnant and who are between 2 and 49 years of age. People with some medical conditions should not receive the nasal spray flu vaccine.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, however, recommends the use of the drug.

"We are not gonna pick sides between two expert groups," Polsky said. "For anyone who is eligible for the mist, if that's their preference, they should talk to their primary care doctor.

Coughing, sneezing, nose blowing or wiping, and covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing.

Residents can get flu vaccines at their primary care doctor's office, some local pharmacies and their local health department.

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