Healthy carbohydrates should not be extracted from your diet: whole grains, plants


Limiting carbohydrates could be an effective strategy for short-term weight loss, but science is discovering that it may not be the best meal plan for a long life.

This is because not all carbohydrates are created equal, and often, people who give up carbohydrates replace them with other animal proteins. Too many of these can lead to kidney problems and increase the levels of inflammation in the body.

Carbohydrates are our body's favorite source of fuel, and while consuming one type of carbohydrate – sugar – can increase your waistline, this is not the case with other carbohydrate sources such as starches and carbohydrates. fibers. In fact, our body can not absorb dietary fiber, so these carbohydrates help us to better digest food while preserving the bellies while protecting the body against disease.

Rigorous scientific studies show us more and more that people who eat more fruits, vegetables, beans and peas and avoid processed foods are more likely to live longer and live without cancer. A diet rich in whole foods such as plants can never be low in carbohydrates, but it can be filled with good carbs.

"There is absolutely nothing more important to our health than what we eat every day," said Sara Seidelmann, a cardiologist and nutrition researcher at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Seidelmann's study of more than 447,000 people worldwide found that people who consume a moderate amount of carbohydrates and eat mostly herbal meals live longer than others.

If you're wondering which carbohydrates are the best for your body, here are some choices approved by dietitians:

Whole grains

Unlike processed kernels, whole grains have an outer husk of bran and germ that provides protein and fiber, which helps you stay full.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, eating whole grains also reduces your chances of getting a stroke, helps regulate blood pressure and reduces your risk of developing diabetes. To incorporate more whole grains into your diet, look for breads and pasta that are 100% whole wheat or 100% whole grain. Remember that wheat flour contains only about 25% whole wheat.

Also remember that whole grains are not limited to wheat, oats and brown rice. Try high fiber barley, crunchy quinoa, Ethiopian teff or wild rice.

Legumes, including peas, lentils and beans


"Legumes are an excellent source of healthy, slow-digesting carbohydrates, rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, proteins and phytochemicals," says dietitian Sharon Palmer, author of "The Plant-Powered Diet".

Phytochemicals in plants that give them their color and flavor are also excellent advocates for cancer because they decrease inflammation in the body and help repair our DNA.

Green peas, for example, are filled with protective proteins of potassium and stomach that protect the bones. They are also sweet and rich in folic acid, which is essential for the growth and proper functioning of cells. In addition to green, there are also chickpeas used to make hummus.

Potatoes and sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamins A, B6 and C. It is best not to overuse sweetened orange roots because their glycemic index is high, which temporarily raises blood sugar. But a little cooked sweet potato mixed in a salad or roasted as a side dish is a good choice for dinner. According to Harvard Health, instead of baking or frying, boil the potatoes with the skins and boil them for about 20 minutes.

To crush

Squash, which can be added to soups, roasted or mixed with pans, is a food rich in wonders. Many types contain natural sugar, but they also contain a lot of protective lutein in the eyes. Squash also contains enough protein and fiber to keep you full for a while while providing magnesium and potassium for healthy bones.

Limited quantity of fruits

Fruits such as bananas and apples are often banned in low carb diets because they contain a lot of carbohydrates and contain natural sugars. But eating a little fruit is not bad for you, especially when you consume it instead of mixing it with a smoothie or a juice. According to the Washington Post, eating an apple with its fibrous skin instead of peeling it will provide about twice as much fiber, 25% more potassium and 40% more vitamin A.

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