Healthy eating can keep blood sugar under control – News – The Bulletin


November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. According to the most recent statics from The American Diabetes Association, more than 30 million Americans, or 9.4 percent of the population, have diabetes. Those numbers have increased dramatically over the past decade.
If diabetes is not well-controlled, people may suffer from long term complications, such as heart disease, kidney disease, neuropathy causing nerve pain, blindness, and even lower-extremity amputation. One important way for a person with diabetes to keep their blood glucose (commonly called blood sugar) under control and avoid these complications is through healthy eating. Carbohydrate counting is the best way to keep blood glucose under control. It can also be a great and healthy way to lose weight, if needed.
In the past, diabetics were faced with very complicated meal plans and asked to count everything they ate. I remember how overwhelming it was for my grandmother when she was diagnosed many years ago.

Today, meal plans are much simpler. While there is no “one-size-fits-all” eating plan for people with diabetes, the best plan for you is the one that you can sustain while still meeting your goals.

Blood glucose is affected by what foods are eaten, how much is eaten and when it is eaten. It is best when diabetics eat within one hour of waking and every three to four hours for the rest of the day.   Diabetics should avoid skipping meals and eat consistent amounts at the same time each day. This is especially important if someone takes insulin or other diabetes medication. Healthy snacks can be added as needed.

If you are a diabetic or the caregiver of a diabetic and are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of monitoring and meal planning, ask your healthcare provider about a diabetes education class near you. The classes, like the ones offered at Backus Hospital, will help you review glucose monitoring, medications and teach strategies for creating meal plans and proper nutrition.

Shannon Haynes is a registered dietitian at Backus Hospital

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