Heavy Rain dug an intricate network of valleys on Mars 3.8 billion years ago


The deep channel networks dug into the ground on Mars were caused by the rain beating through the once-dense atmosphere of the planet. However, the biggest question is: Where did all the water go? ( ESA / DLR / FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO )

Heavy rains have often punctuated the early climate of Mars, as evidenced by the complex network of valleys that are making their way to Through a Martian Land

New discoveries from a team of researchers show that the deep canals on the surface of the red planet could be sculpted by rainfall nearly 4 billion years ago .

Research builds on previous studies Similar terrestrial networks on Earth that show that land-based channels were caused by huge stormwater currents.

Channel Networks On Mars

Scientists have long known that Mars is home to a complex network of deep valleys, sometimes ranging up to 12 miles. diving almost as deep as 3000 feet. These valleys separate from each other, as do the tributaries of a large river separating from the main channel.

The discovery led experts to assume that Mars needed to have enough water to sculpt the valleys in Martian soil. However, the origin of the water that created these channels remained a mystery.

Some theories indicate that a large body of water, such as a lake, had to be found there once, while others think that it was not possible to find a lake. it could act from ground water. Other scientists believe that this could have come from melting ice on the high Martian plateaus caused by heat from volcanoes.

A team of researchers from the ETH Zurich and the University of Chicago says heavy rain was falling

Precipitation on Mars

In a new study published on the website in free Access Science Advances Researchers used similar structures on Earth as a model to examine the network. By studying two sets of data collected by other researchers investigating the Martian valleys, the researchers were able to conclude that the drought of a region provides many clues about what created the channels.

In areas where the climate is dry and dry, as in the deserts of Arizona, researchers have discovered that valleys networks were caused by rain. ter sculpting courses of water in the soil. The branches of these channels are marked by a low angle

On the other hand, the valley networks caused by water that flows from the ground, like those in Florida, have wider angles between their branches

. Mars looks like narrow-angle valleys on Earth, which means they must have been made by rainwater creating paths in the ground for it to circulate there.

The findings led scientists to conclude that there had been a lot of rain. who fell on Martian soil in the early days of the planet. They also assume that Mars may have had a much denser atmosphere than today.

"Recent research shows that there must have been much more water on Mars than previously thought," says physicist Hansjörg Seybold, lead author of the study. .

As heavy rains hit the surface of the planet, increasing amounts of rainwater cut deeper into the ground to reach the current depths of the channels

Mars must have an active hydrological cycle

] Have had a very active water cycle. One theory is that one-third of the entire surface of Mars was covered by a large water plan

The heat being spewed out by active volcanoes located near the theoretical Martian ocean, large amounts of water flowed into the sea. 39 water turned into vapor which later fell.

Of course, this also raises the question: where did all this water go?

"It is likely that most of it has evaporated into space," says Seybold. "But it could still be found in the vicinity of Mars."

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