Heidi Heitkamp – Kevin Cramer debates tonight in the face of the scandal provoked by the Heitkkamp newspaper's announcement on survivors of sexual assault – live updates


Updated 18 Oct. 2018 22:36 EDT

North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp, ​​one of the most vulnerable Democratic Senators to be re-elected this year, clashed with Republican opponent Kevin Cramer for their first debate on Thursday night. They had agreed to three debates this month, but the first was canceled due to the Senate vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh appointment to the Supreme Court.

Heitkamp recently made the habit of publishing an advertisement in a newspaper that cited several women who had been sexually assaulted without their permission. Heitkamp is excused for advertising, but Republicans jumped on his already flickering campaign.

Heitkamp opened the debate by immediately addressing the advertisement. "Not only did I disappoint a lot of North Dakota, but I disappointed myself," she said. "I can not start this debate without recognizing this serious and horrible mistake."

The advertisement, published this week, was structured as an open letter to Cramer, reprimanding him for his comments during Kavanaugh's confirmation process. In September, Cramer asked if allegations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh had prevented him from sitting in court, even if they were true. Heitkamp voted against Kavanaugh's confirmation, a risk in his deep red state.

"In an effort to raise public awareness of this issue and to counter Kevin Cramer's objectionable words to survivors of sexual assault, our campaign worked with victim advocates to identify women who are willing to sign the letter or to tell their story, "Heitkamp told a statement. Cramer responded that it was a "revictimization of the victims".

Heidi Heitkamp, ​​Kevin Cramer

This combination of photos shows candidates in the Senate, Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp, ​​Senator in North Dakota, during a stoppage of his Grand Forks campaign, and Republican challenger Kevin Cramer at a stop in Fargo.


Responding to a question put to Heitkamp about the contentious bid process for Kavanaugh, she said, "This process created an inappropriate scene in Washington, DC, and across the country that was inappropriate and did not become either Senate or House of Commons. Supreme Court .. "

Kramer added: "The process has been hijacked by a crowd whose only problem is to continue to allow abortion on demand, and to do that, they would do anything." Chuck Schumer told the That we had to do everything to prevent this candidate from being confirmed. "

The debate, which has taken place across the board, has focused on many ways in North Dakota and in the country, including the protection of health coverage conditions and President Trump's tariffs. Heitkamp said she "would fight, fight, fight for our farmers," criticizing the president's tariffs for closing a market to farmers in North Dakota. Cramer touted the new trade deal with Mexico and Canada in response.

The debate also focused on national issues, such as gun control, school security, and whether, in their view, the press was "the enemy of the people". The two also differed as to whether they believe that the investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election is expected to continue.

The debate also focused on the reporting of sexual assault.

"It's a cultural problem," Cramer said. "I think it's a lot about law enforcement, the way we treat employers, human resources managers … to make it easier for women to come forward."

Heitkamp said: "[Sexual assault] is under-reported. It is under-surveyed. This is under-pursued. Many women who contacted my office repeatedly told me that if they reported it, they would have regretted not having done so and, when they reported it, they would have missed it. knew that it would bother them the rest of their lives. to obtain justice. It is time for us to stop speaking between parties and to start working together to create a world in which women feel safe … we must fight together against sexual assault and sexual violence.

Heitkamp has been down significantly in polls throughout his campaign. A recent Fox News poll showed him 12 points lower than Cramer. the CBS News Battleground Tracker note the race as "republican edge".

Heitkamp only won a few thousand votes in 2012, thanks in part to the support of many Native American voters. However, a recent decision of the Supreme Court has now makes it harder for North Dakota Indians to vote, which could also affect Heitkamp's prospects for reelection.

Peter Martinez contributed to this report.

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