Heidi Heitkamp raised $ 12.5 million in a few days after the announcement of the Kavanaugh decision


Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), considered the most threatened Democrat in the outgoing Senate, raised $ 12.5 million, which is extraordinary, between October 1 and 17, according to a document tabled by the Commission federal election. Of this total, about $ 7.5 million came from small donors. Prior to this period, she had collected approximately $ 14 million for the entire cycle. The period covered by the report, from October 1 to October 17, covers the days following his decision to voice his opposition to the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, which may have further injured him in surveys. "Last Thursday's hearing challenged Justice Kavanaugh's current temper, honesty and honesty," Heitkamp wrote in a statement. "These are essential traits for any candidate to serve in the highest court in the country." "In a momentum of support for principled and civil policy, Heidi has received nearly 15,000 contributions this round from every corner of our state and 3,000 new volunteers in Sean Higgins, a spokesman for the campaign, told the Daily Beast. "It's simple: although Kevin Cramer is still aligning himself with Mitch McConnell and his interests, Heidi will always work on the other side and only respond to North Dakota."

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