Heidi Klum did not send text to Drake


Ellen DeGeneres has a way to put people on the spot, and it's no different when the model Heidi Klum appeared in the episode of Tuesday (September 11). The Ellen DeGeneres show.

Happily meeting Tom Kaulitz over the last six months, Klum told how the couple had met, praising the way the Tokio Hotel rocker – who is also German – is the first man to really understand it. Despite the happy relationship, DeGeneres did not miss the opportunity to remind Klum Ellen appearance where she played a game of "Who would you rather be?" and admitted to having a crush on Drake.

After seeing the segment, Drake apparently got Klum's number through a mutual friend and asked the supermodel for a date.

"Someone I know knows him, and I suppose he asked to have my number, then he sent me a text message. And I thought, "Oh my God, it's so weird." But then I never sent her a message because I found the love of my life, "she told the host. "Sorry, Drake. You sleep, you lose. You know what I mean? It was basically like a week too late. "

"Wait, he sent you a text message and you did not even answer?" DeGeneres asked, shocked.

"No, I mean, what do you do?" Klum said, "I'm embarrassed about it Drake, I'm sorry I did not call back – you're cool, I still love your music! I will probably come to the concerts very soon! "

Klum also discussed leaving Runway project After 16 seasons and the new Amazon reality TV series, she is developing with longtime co-host Tim Gunn.

Check out the fun chat below.

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