A tip of the hat to Miz Klum. (Photo: Jordan Strauss, Jordan Strauss / Invision / AP)

And the Oscar for Best Halloween Costume of 2018 goes to … Heidi Klum.

The "America's Got Talent" Judge has always reigned supreme over Halloween, but this year's "Shrek" has been proven to be extra magical (with a hint of fairy-tale dust).

Klum thing Princess Fiona as her green inspiration, she revealed on Instagram Wednesday, and no, the train "Project Runway" host did not just put a mask over her famous face. Instead, the model underwent what looks like hours of prosthetics and makeup for her pitch-perfect ogre princess. Klum's boyfriend of six months, Tom Kaulitz, was similarly adorned in mega-green as Shrek.

Her previous epic costumes include Michael Jackson's last year's "Thriller" look, the time she dressed as Jessica Rabbit, and the year she went on an old woman.

"You have to feel amazing in (your costume)," she told USA TODAY recently. "You look in the mirror and you're like, 'Yeah, that's good.'" "At the end of the day do you like it, right?" she says.

Take a look at her Shrek transformation below.


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