Heitkamp apologizes for misidentifying sexual assault


Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), left, Grand Forks, and Republican challenger, Rep. Kevin Cramer, at a campaign stop in Fargo. (Bruce Crummy / AP)

Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), the most endangered Senate Democrat in next month's midterm elections, apologized Tuesday for a newspaper ad which included names of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or rape without their permission.

The ad was fashioned as an open letter to Rep. Kevin Cramer, Heitkamp's Republican opponent, criticizing comments he made during the confirmation process for Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh.

In a statement Tuesday, Heitkamp said that it has been "repeatedly discovered that they are not survivors of abuse."

"I deeply regret this error and we are in the process of issuing a retraction, personally apologizing to each of the people, and taking the necessary steps to ensure that this happens again," the statement said.

The ad included names of 127 women. It was not clear how many names were erroneously included or how they came to be part of the newspaper ad.

After publication of the ad, many women whose names were included in the social media.

Lexi Zhorela of Bismarck wrote on Facebook that she was "beyond FURIOUS." She said, "I do not want our name spread across the news for everyone to see" and risked retribution from a prior rapist. boyfriend who beat them.

Kady Miller, also of Bismarck, wrote on Facebook: "A lot of these people listed, including me, did not give anyone permission for our names to be posted. I do not even support Heidi Heitkamp and I am not a domestic abuse survivor. Should this be legal? Using people's names as part of your campaign ?? "

The Heitkamp in Cramer's Characterization of the Movement of Victims of the Movement of Victims of Victims of the Kavanaugh, who has seen decades-old allegations of sexual misconduct that he vigorously denied.

Heitkamp voted against Kavanaugh's confirmation while Cramer supported the nomination.

"We are here to let you know that you are wrong – this is not a movement toward victimization," it's about being a survivor, "said the open letter in the ad.

Cramer told the Associated Press that he considered the mistakes in Heitkamp's ad "a revictimization of victims."

"This is what happens when people lose their personal gain," he said. "She proved her point of view in the personal world."

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