Henry Cavill fans want him to join Marvel's film universe


DC fans had a shock Wednesday morning with the report that Henry Cavill left the role of Superman in the live action DC Universe, but for fans of the actor, there could be a silvery track:

Wednesday morning, the Hollywood Reporter revealed that Cavill had left the role of Superman when negotiations for an appearance in the future Shazam! movie broke down due to scheduling conflicts. With the departure of Cavill, Warner Bros. do not plan to do another Superman for several years, focusing instead on the planned Supergirl movie.

Later, however, Cavill's director, Dany Garcia, tweeted an enigmatic message about the situation, noting that "the cloak is still in his closet," suggesting that there might still be a future for Cavill's Superman . Warner Bros. then published his own statement which, honestly, was a bit cryptic and vague.

"Although no decision has been made regarding upcoming Superman films, we have always had great respect for an excellent relationship with Henry Cavill, and this remains unchanged.

None of this kept fans from trying to soften the shock of Cavill's time as a Steel Man, potentially imagining a different heroic universe for the actor. Throughout the day, fans have made their suggestions on Twitter regarding Marvel's heroes, and while some suggestions seem to be more popular than others, fans have some ideas. We must admit that some of them could be very interesting to see.

So, while we're all trying to figure out what's really going on with the Superman situation, here are some of Marvel's characters that fans think Cavill should take and make sure you tell us what you think!

Drag 2 of 7Cyclops

Drag 4 of 7Hyperion

Drag 5 of 7Uncle Ben Parker

Drag 7 of 7What about Nova, Taskmaster, Quasar, Namor or Sentry?

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