Herald's "Dirty Gold" series, cover of FIU bridge win first prize at Journalism Journalism Online


The Miami Herald won gold on Saturday night with two first places at the 2018 Online Journalism Awards.

The paper took first place in the Exploratory Report, Medium Newsroom for "Dirty Gold, Clean Cash," a five-part series of investigations into the treason of illegally extracted gold in Latin America.

The project was the work of journalists and visual journalists, Jay Weaver, Nicholas Nehamas, Kyra Gurney, Jim Wyss, Jose Iglesias, Aaron Albright and Pedro Portal.

The Herald also won first place in Breaking News, Medium Newsroom, for coverage of the collapse on March 15 at Florida International University, which killed six people and raised questions about cracks in concrete before it was put into service. square.

The Online News Association, which hosted the Awards Banquet, is dedicated to "inspiring innovation and excellence among journalists to better serve the public." The first Online Journalism Awards were held in 2000.

The awards recognize data journalism, visual digital storytelling, investigative journalism, immersive storytelling, public service, technical innovation, student journalism and general excellence.

The Knight Award 2018 for the Public Service was awarded to reveal the Center's investigation reports for its "all works". No Play "series on how" judges, large companies and rehabilitation operators have turned drug addicts into a new class of workers, who enjoys no rights and receives no wages ".

A complete list of winners and finalists can be found here.

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