Here is a ranking of the best and the worst candies for your teeth ::


Of course, no amount of candy is really good for your teeth. But, if you had to choose the best parts to maintain your dental health and stay without a cavity, the N.C. Dental Society has some tips to give you.

"It's important for kids to enjoy Halloween, including some candy, but moderation is key," says Dr. Alec Parker, executive director of the NC Dental Society, in a press release. "Excessive consumption of sugar can produce acids that can cause cavities and tooth decay. Make sure your children brush their teeth and floss after eating sweets. "

If you are wondering how to keep your children's teeth healthy, drinking water after eating sweets is also a good way to rinse away candy residue. The American Dental Association has some other Halloween related dental health ideas on his website. And, you can also choose their treats based on this ranking of the best and worst sweets for your teeth, courtesy of the NC Dental Society.

Best and worst Candy for your teeth


Assorted chocolates are one of the most popular Halloween candies. Did you know that this is probably one of the safest? Chocolate dissolves quickly and you wash your teeth more easily than other candies. Dark chocolate is your best choice because it contains less sugar than milk chocolate.


Sticky sweets can be a nightmare. These candies tend to cling to the teeth, leaving enough time for the formation of cavities. It is important to ask your children to brush their teeth and floss properly, as jellybeans often stick to the surface of the tooth and between crevices.

Hard candies / lollipops

Hard candies are hard on the teeth and can cause chipped or cracked teeth. It's best to avoid treats during Halloween.

Sour candy

The sour candies usually contain citric acids that produce the tangy aroma. These specific acids can be very harmful to the teeth and attack the enamel of the tooth. Enjoy it in moderation.

Sugar-free chewing gum

Sugar free chewing gum is a good option for a Halloween treat. Chewing sugarless gum increases the flow of saliva and neutralizes the bacteria that cause cavities, helping to prevent tooth decay.

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