Here is how much everyone is obsessed with Tilray and cannabis stocks right now


Yes, it was the week when everyone had become obsessed with pot stocks.

Of course, interest in the cannabis industry has grown year-round as news – from various large companies making acquisitions to pot legalization in Canada – clearly indicates that the space is entering a phase of development. rapid expansion and maturation.

But the dramatic changes in the Canadian cannabis society Tilray's

TLRY, -30.25%

this week's actions seem to have attracted the interest of investors in the field of frantic fanaticism, which we have not seen since … well, you know when, no?

On Wednesday, the views on Tilray's listing page surpassed those of the Dow Jones Industrial Average

DJIA, + 0.32%

on the MarketWatch website – and by a wide margin to that.

This only happened twice last year: July 26, Facebook

FB -1.86%

reached the # 1 quote on our site as it lost $ 120 billion in market capitalization; and it came with the bitcoin-U.S. quote page in dollars

BTCUSD, -1.39%

on several days in December 2017, when the historic rally of cryptocurrency has attracted attention around the world.

Traffic on the Tilray quote page from Monday to Thursday this week was 248% higher than the same period the previous week and over 2,000% higher than similar periods in early August.

As we have already written, the traffic on the MarketWatch quote pages is a measure of what attracts investor interest at some point.

Here's another one: on Reddit, traders are talking about a storm. On the biggest finance forums, talk about Tilray, Cronos

CRON, -9.02%

or other terms related to cannabis have increased by 90% compared to August, according to MarketWatch analysis of the CrowdTangle social monitoring tool data. In June, only 36 positions were related to cannabis. In September, this number is already 358, with 175 messages since Monday.

This renewed interest is also evident in the broadest indicator of all search trends on Google. Tilray achieved the best trend conditions on Wednesday and Thursday, and there was a general spike this week in the search for "cannabis stocks".

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