Here is how the largest desert in the world, the Sahara, could become green


Everyone knows that the Sahara is the largest desert in the world, but did you also know that parts of it could become green if solar panels and massive wind farms were installed there?

According to a study published in the journal "Science", scientists predicted that changes in the local environment caused by these farms could increase rainfall and vegetation in the Sahara Desert, especially in the neighboring Sahel region. south of the giant desert.

"This increase in rainfall in turn leads to an increase in vegetation cover, creating a positive feedback loop," said Yan Li, researcher co-head of the study at the University of Illinois. declaration.

High aerial view of large solar thermal power station farm in the desert. (Image: Getty Images)

According to Yan Li, this study is among the first to model the climatic effects of wind and solar installations while taking into account how vegetation responds to changes in heat and precipitation.

Scientists predict that when groups of large wind turbines and solar panels are installed, their presence could alter the reflectivity of the soil and the movement of drafts.

Wind farms mix warmer air coming from above with cooler currents lower and solar panels prevent sunlight from being returned to the atmosphere.

Read also | The Sahara Desert is expanding due to climate change and we are to blame, according to research

Why did the researchers make the Sahara Desert the focus of their research?

"We chose it because it is the largest desert in the world, it is sparsely populated, very sensitive to changes of terrain and is located in Africa and close to Europe and the Middle East. East, "said Li.

Results of the study

  • The wind and solar farms simulated in the study would cover more than nine million square kilometers and would produce, on average, about three terawatts and 79 terawatts of electrical energy, respectively.

"In 2017, global energy demand was only 18 terawatts, which is obviously a lot more energy than is currently needed worldwide," Li said.

  • The model revealed that wind farms caused a regional warming of near-surface air temperature, with larger changes in minimum temperatures than maximum temperatures.
  • Precipitation has also increased by an average of 0.25 millimeters per day in areas with wind farms, which would lead to a substantial improvement in rainfed agriculture in the region.
  • In the neighboring Sahel, average rainfall increased by 1.12 millimeters per day when wind farms were present. This translates into an increase of 200 to 500 mm (8 to 20 inches) of rain per year in the Sahel, so it would not be considered a desert
  • Solar farms had a similar positive effect on temperature and rainfall, the team found. Unlike wind farms, solar panels have had very little effect on wind speed

"We have found that large-scale installation of solar and wind power plants can generate more rainfall and promote vegetation growth in these areas," said Eugenia Kalnay, from the University of Maryland to the states. -United.

Vegetation growth would also lead to growth in livestock production.

What could this mean for the Sahara Desert?

If this model becomes a reality, "the increase in rainfall and vegetation, combined with clean electricity through solar and wind energy, could help agriculture, economic development and social welfare in the Sahara, in the Sahel, the Middle East and elsewhere. neighboring regions, "says Safa Motesharrei, a Systems Specialist at the University of Maryland.

Large – scale renewable energy projects are already underway in parts of North Africa and the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia 's announcement of an investment. of 200 billion USD in solar energy.

Read also | Agriculture began in the Saharas more than 10,000 years ago!

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