Here is your unique chance to own a lunar stone – BGR


We all know the moon from a very young age. This is usually one of the first topics discussed in our first science classes at school, and we can see it most nights looking up to the sky. But to hold a piece in the hand is something that only a few privileged can claim to have accomplished.

Now, a trio of pieces from Moon is coming up for auction at Sotheby's, which will give a lucky one the chance to own a piece of the Earth's largest natural satellite, as long as its pockets are deep enough.

As CollectSpace According to reports, the moon pebbles originally belonged to the Russian space program before being offered to the widow of a senior official who oversaw some of Russia's major achievements in the space race. The rocks are part of a sample that was returned by lunar probes of the Soviet era and remain the only lunar samples that were voluntarily surrendered to an individual.

This is not the first time that the pebbles are auctioned because they had been sold to a private collector 25 years ago for $ 442,500, also via Sotheby's. The price this time should be considerably higher, probably close to or over the $ 1 million mark.

"I'm passionate about selling this item because I remember the first appearance of stone in 1993 and it was a big market," said Sotheby's Cassandra Hatton. CollectSpace. "Having the opportunity to offer the same product again is really great."

It is hard to imagine that someone pays so much for something as small, and these rocks are really tiny. They are so small that the case in which they were originally presented (and still reside there) includes an integrated magnifying glass for review. Nevertheless, it's a piece of the "Moon" that we're talking about here, so it's still a pretty special item.

Source of the image: Sotheby's & # 39; s

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