Here's how to win the jackpot


You can win, however, being a lottery loser, because you are in the game of "What if?" That every person who plays only the big jackpots should be engaged.

Your Funds

Mega-Millions' huge jackpot was the big financial headline of the last week.

The headline to that story in your home, however, is different. It reads like this:

You did not win the big lottery. Again.

By all means, check the winning numbers one more time. Get excited if the jackpot is over – meaning you are not winning the next big picture. It takes a lot of losers to make the jackpot grow that big.

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You can win, however, being a lottery loser, because you are in the game of "What if?" That every person who plays only the big jackpots should be engaged.

When it comes to "What if?" You do not have to be "in it to win it." I have never purchased a lottery ticket because I know the odds and do not like throwing money away; I'd like to know what they're doing based on big jackpots, but I'm sure they're going to get excited because of the tiny chance of their what-if turns real.

The good news in your lottery is that your life story will not be the next horror story of a jackpot winner squandering their prize on the way to some new low standard of personal and financial ruin.

What all of those winners / losers could have enjoyed a nice game of lottery-fueled "What if?"

Assuming you never win a 10-digit prize – even if you count the spaces to the right of the decimal – there's a chance you'll come into a chunk of money somewhere, somehow.

You may be interested in a lot of money, a lump-sum distribution, an annual bonus, a lucrative stretch of overtime, a retirement incentive, a surprise chance to start a new job. pick up extra work / pay.

How you get that money is less important than the windfall's potential to change your financial life.

Too many people tell their stories of being messed up by being extravagant at first blush, only to learn that they do not go far most wanted to achieve with it.

What-if games around a lottery jackpot are a form of self-examination that can have a positive effect on everyday decisions-making, even if your ship never comes in.

Potential endings

The process is simple. List of many possible endings

"If I had won the jackpot lottery, I would have used some of the money to …"

Your answers might include things like "quit my job", "pay off the credit cards", "secure college tuition for the children" and "/ or grandkids", "add to retirement savings", "donate to a favorite charities, help" out the family, buy a dream house, buy a business or buy a franchise and more.

Add to your list Mega-Millions jackpot to spend; when you are out of the box, it is time to bring real life back into the equation and set priorities.

Buying new cars for your nieces and nephews, for example, is not the high priority that securing retirement is.

Decide which items come first, and which are of lesser importance. If you won $ 1 million for picking the five regular balls, then what if your win was $ 10,000 all the way down to what you would do with an extra couple of great.

The result is a financial desire list with your dreams and desires and ability to achieve.

That's useful, even if you never win a jackpot.

If zeroing debt would be your first move after collecting lottery winnings, it probably should be in your everyday financial planning. If you're going to get more income and more money, it's going to be more of a windfall.

You are more likely to achieve your wish list conventionally – or you are working towards a budget – than from a jackpot, but you are working towards the same financial destination.

And as long as you are playing "what-if lotto," consider your losings too.

The more than $ 70 billion spent on lotteries annually in the US boils down to more than $ 300 per year per adult nationwide. Since lottery players are habitual spenders, consider what happens if ticket buying is curtailed.

Set aside $ 50 a month for the next 30 years and, assuming the market's return, you'll come back with a jackpot of more than $ 125,000. It will not feel like a jackpot, but consider it the winnings you get from playing the lottery at all.

Remember, too, that it's the day when the lottery becomes the focus of every newscast, it's OK to indulge in the fantasy. But the most important what-if question is everyone's big winner in their financial lives is "What if I never win the lottery?"

Plan for that outcome, because this week proved again that it's probably the one you'll be living with.

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