Here's what happened in the NYCC Hellboy Reboot teaser


The evil has never been so beautiful.
Image: Lionsgate Entertainment

It's a new dawn, a new day, it's a brand new day Hellboy. And he feels good. The first look at Neil Marshall and Mike Mignola Hellboy The reboot was shared with fans of New York's Comic Con and, if you want to forgive the jargon of Northern California, David Harbor's Hellboy looks hella cool.

the Hellboy The New York Comic Con panel unveiled an exclusive two-minute sizzling reel to the delight of the crowd. This gave us our first glimpse of Hellboy, Harbor, who immediately distinguished himself from Ron Perlman's rendition. While Perlman's Hellboy was gruff and worn with age and experience, Harbor's feels younger, rash and fears no one. For example, one of the first shots we see, after seeing it, walking in a large cave leading to Excalibur, which is a key part of the Wild hunting scenario used for the film – he shouted to a policeman who shot him after arriving at the scene of a mass murder.

"Hey, I'm on your side!" Hellboy chuckled, practically hopping with stubborn rage.

While Billy Idol's "Mony Mony" explodes in the background, Hellboy appears as the new powerful, dangerous, and completely capped member of the B.P.R.D. (Office of Paranormal Research and Defense) – much to the delight of Alice Monaghan (Sasha Lane) and much to the chagrin of Ben Daimio (Daniel Dae Kim). He cleaned up the bad guys' heads and ate the shotgun cartridges (basically confirming he'll get a R rating). He smoked and smiled. He rode on horseback and kicked the face. He even faced Nimue the Queen of Blood (Milla Jovovich), who swings a sweet wreath of black branches. Hellboy was an unstoppable and hilarious force. And Harbor sold every second of this damn thing.

Then, Hellboy emerged from a hole in the ground: extended horns, burning sword in hand and crown of fire on his head. This is the blow that made the crowd lose its collective shit.

During the debate, Mignola and Harbor highlighted how this version of Hellboy is much closer to the original comic. They noticed how much they liked and respected the original series of Guillermo del Toro, which, according to Mignola, was rather of "fairy tale" quality, but that they were looking more for a horror sensation (with a little comedy for good measure, after all, it's Hellboy). Commenting on the original films, Harbor called Perlman Hellboy "iconic" and explained how his interpretation is different and why it is acceptable to have two versions of the character:

My Hellboy feels a little younger, like he had hair, which is a big deal. He has many more troubles inside. He is a little more lost in the universe. It has more of what I bring and, in this way, the feeling is completely different. I can enjoy both[versionsde[versionsof[versionsde[versionsofHellboy]and I hope you can too. Because, for me, this character deserves a life and deserves more films. I love this character and I want to see this character grow and change. And I want to come to the score of Mike's tricks, which is a horror in some way, even an existential horror … For me, it's more a sensation of Magnolia than Guillermo del Toro. And both are excellent, but that's what me and Neil wanted to do.

One of the things that Harbor has been most excited about Hellboy This is the practical makeup, since he says he is a big fan of practical effects, adding that there are several different monsters in the film that have been created with makeup and practical effects (although reveal nothing about them). He lamented the fact that Hollywood tends to rely too much on CGI, and explained how that could give hope that his Hellboy would be digital – in the manner of a famous Marvel villain.

"There were online fans who said," Oh, it's going to be totally CGI, you know, like Thanos, "said Harbor, jokingly adding," I'm not going to start this scandal. The headlines will look like "Harbor Hates Marvel", which I do not do. I think[[[[Avengers: Infinity War]is a good movie. "

However, the sad truth is that these are not his abs Even though Harbor earns a lot of time for the role, he loses the famous Strange things "Papa Bod" (which he says is back in season 3), he wore a body prosthesis for the role. It was mainly because, without the prosthesis, his Hellboy head seemed too big for his body. As Harbor had to move with an integral prosthesis, including for stunts, he explained how he went to a sports shop in New York and bought a wetsuit, hockey mats and a helmet) to make a practice version. The panel moderator then asked if we would have a video behind the scenes for this, and hope the answer is yes.

"I really wanted to get into this guy and I could not wear makeup every day," said Harbor. "During those three weeks, I rehearsed in that Hellboy homemade costume, because I wanted to feel that kind of stuff. And it really helped me! Because, once I donned the costume, I had the impression of being a second skin. "

Hellboy is released on April 12, 2019.

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