Here's what the super carb diet is and how to track it


  • The super carb diet was created by renowned coach Bob Harper.
  • It is thought that it is the opposite of the keto diet.
  • It promotes the consumption of carbohydrates and is a Mediterranean type diet.
  • The benefits include weight loss, weight maintenance, increased energy, less cravings and a feeling of fullness.

It seems that every two months a new diet becomes the trend, whether it's herbal diets or the keto diet. A recent diet has gained ground: the super carb diet. The name of the diet itself provides insight into what it's all about – but what exactly is the super carb diet, and what are its benefits?

The super carb diet is the fad diet that famous fitness coach and guru Bob Harper has created and believed in – he even has a New York Times bestseller: "The Super Carb Diet: Shed Pounds, Build Strength, Eat Real Food. "

Sharing how he developed the super-carb diet, Harper wrote in his book, "I needed a nutrient-rich diet that would help me maintain my weight and give me the energy I needed. I needed to recover. The super-carb diet balances and integrates all macronutrients – proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

And it's not the only one to boast about it: when Women's Health interviewed experts about it, many had positive things to say.

"I think it's refreshing to have a diet that once again celebrates all forms of quality carbohydrates among a balanced diet," said Beth Warren – nutritionist dietician, founder of Beth Warren Nutrition and author from "Secrets of a Kosher Girl" their.

Women's health found the super carb diet the opposite of the keto diet, which is a diet rich in fats and carbohydrates

Although it is thought that the keto-rich diet and the super-carb diet are beneficial for those who wish to lose weight or maintain their current weight, the super-carbohydrate diet differs by promoting carbohydrate consumption and including all major food groups daily.

The diet focuses on "quality" carbohydrates.
Caroline Praderio / INSIDER

According to Harper, the distribution of macronutrients for each meal should be 40% protein, 30% fat and 30% carbohydrate. For an average diet of 2,000 calories, carbohydrate needs range from 225 to 325 grams of carbohydrate per day. These numbers would probably increase or decrease depending on the individual.

Although the super carb diet does not suggest eating carbohydrates all day long, it is recommended that you consume most of your carbohydrates early in the day to better meet your energy needs.

This can super-start your workouts and give you energy to start your day.

According to POPSUGAR, a few meals from this diet could include scrambled egg whites with spinach, a grilled whole grain muffin and a little avocado for breakfast, and a "big salad" with a lean chicken burger and whole grain bread for dinner.

According to Mr. Harper, his typical day would include breakfast yogurt with fresh fruit and nut butter, a salad of peppers and chicken for lunch, and rice-roasted vegetables with chicken or fish.

The idea of ​​following the super-carb diet is to regularly include foods rich in nutrients, complex carbohydrates and fats in the diet.

Rather than restricting certain food groups or consuming a particular macronutrient, the super-carb diet promotes balance.

Higher energy levels, weight loss, a feeling of fullness and fewer cravings are just some of the benefits of this diet. If you do not want to give up on carbs, but hope to maintain your current weight, or even lose weight and improve your health, this could be the right diet for you.

Visit the INSIDER homepage for more information.

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