Here's what The Vein Bell did for James Conner just hours before the franchise deadline.


The long and winding drama of The Veon Bell franchise has almost reached its conclusion. While I am sitting here and writing this note, there are two hours and 58 minutes left for Bell to sign his offer and report back to the team, lest he be ineligible to play all season.

There seems to be 1,000 twists in this saga, with a whole series of breathtaking reports about whether and when Bell would show up. Tuesday will finally put an end to all these speculations. In the meantime, here's what The Vein is doing.

Vote for James Conner to participate in the Pro Bowl? Uhm agree. I do not know how to read that one.

Conner surely deserves this honor. In the first 10 weeks of the season, the second-year defenseman ranks third in the NFL for rushing yards and touchdowns, and he far surpasses what Bell himself realized. 39, last year. It has been a force on the ground and in the air and the Steelers should feel really good about having it in the lap for the future.

But does Bell show support for Conner? Does this mean that he is preparing to go home or that he stays away and assumes that Conner will continue? Bell tweeted that it was "time to pass the sticks"during the Steelers' dazzling win over the Panthers last Thursday night, but that could easily have been a reference to the fact that the Panthers have to let somebody else try to beat Pittsburgh.

Maybe he thinks Conner has been so good this season that he deserves a spot at the Pro Bowl, no matter what will happen after the return of The Veon. But maybe it means that Conner is covered and will continue his season of Pro Bowl caliber.

The truth is that nobody knows it. But we will all know it in a few hours.

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