Here's why you should not drink this glass of wine a day


A glass of wine a day may not be good for you after all.

For years, study after study, it has often been suggested that drinking wine is a good thing, but new research contradicts these findings.

A recent study from the University of Washington's Faculty of Medicine says drinking a glass of wine a day could do more harm than good.

To reach this conclusion, the study analyzed over 400,000 people who drink very little.

What the researchers found was quite shocking. Instead of improving health, their study showed that light drinkers who ate one or two glasses four or more times a week were 20% more likely to die prematurely.

Other studies had previously indicated that wine consumption promoted heart health, but daily consumption is associated with an increased risk of several types of cancer.

An assistant professor at the university advised people to talk to their doctor about potential health problems associated with daily alcohol consumption.

Dr. Sarah M. Hartz added that alcohol consumption, especially daily, should not be considered healthy.

To view the detailed study, please consult the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research by clicking here.

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