"He's on a roll": Trump pauses before presenting his grievances to extol his success


Polls show that more Americans disapprove of President Trump's performance than they approve. The investigation on Russia is continuing rapidly. Democrats are about to win a majority in the House and block the administration with investigations – and some are even considering an indictment.

But watching Trump storm the road to the election campaign and face it with reporters for the last two weeks is to attend the President's celebration on an endless victorious round.

Just 27 days away from the mid-term elections, Trump's frenzied atmosphere is disproportionate. The affronts who would normally have provoked a series of presidential grievances over several days have been largely ignored. Time-tested criticism of the "faked witch hunt" and the "skewed" Ministry of Justice have been put on the back burner.

Instead, Trump talked about all his winnings. The confirmation of Brett M. Kavanaugh, Supreme Court Justice, despite allegations of sexual assault. The unemployment rate is falling. The new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico. And of course, his new ambassador to African-Americans: rapper Kanye West, who, after wearing a red cap "Make America Great Again" on "Saturday Night Live" NBC, goes Thursday to the White House for lunch with the president. .

"America is still winning like never before," Trump told a deafening crowd of 9,000 people at a rally Tuesday night at Council Bluffs in Iowa. He added: "The only reason to vote Democrat is if you are tired of winning."

To be sure, everything is relative with Trump. The president still uses dark, even demonic images to warn against the democratic regime. He presents the opposition party as an "angry mob of the left" who would destroy the companies and put the country in danger. On Tuesday, at Council Bluffs, Trump attacked Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) And prompted the crowd to chant "Lock it!". And he called the claims against Kavanaugh a "hoax" perpetrated by "evil people."

Trump continues to sweep the "false news". On Monday in Orlando, the president tried to put the law enforcement officers in violation with journalists by shouting "false news" at the convention of the International Association of Chiefs of Police.

But the next evening, in Iowa, the president's "false news" seemed less like a call to arms than a pomp in his theatrical routine.

Trump also took the time to answer reporters' questions several times a day. He invited reporters to his private booth in front of the Air Force One Tuesday, en route for his rally at Council Bluffs, to chat for half an hour. And last Saturday, moments before the Senate vote to confirm Kavanaugh, Trump called a Washington Post reporter, without doing it, to boast of his new victory.

As a candidate, Trump would tell the crowd that if he was elected, he would win so often that people would get tired and say, "Mr. Mr President, we beg you, we do not want to win anymore!

But Trump's supporters are still not tired, at least according to those surveyed in the Council Bluffs roaring arena. Ed Kaiser, 55, who works in the insurance industry, said he had attended the rally to express his gratitude for what Trump had accomplished thanks to what Kaiser described as perseverance and strength brute.

"He's on a roll," said Kaiser, pointing to Kavanaugh's confirmation and his economic gains. "I'm surprised, pleasantly surprised, there is so much resistance and he is able to defeat everything, he is really incredible."

Marlene Burns, a 58-year-old cake decorator living across the Missouri River in Papillion, Nebraska, said she had absorbed Trump's enthusiasm, particularly with respect to Kavanaugh. claimed that she believed firmly. But for all the celebrations, Burns said she likes it when Trump expresses her grievances – because she shares them.

"He's very honest when he's crazy," Burns said. "He does not put shit like those other politicians. He says it because he thinks it. It's like me. I get angry and angry because I am honest and sincere. He is truthful like that too.

Trump's fury over the investigation of Russia seems to be on vacation. He has been so cheerful lately that he has reconciled the subject of his anger, Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein.

Rosenstein oversees the investigation led by special advocate Robert S. Mueller III in Russia and, although Trump has escalated attacks against Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the President has taken it to Rosenstein in as a representative of what he describes as a corrupt faction made up of Justice Ministry officials seeking to undermine his presidency. .

Rosenstein offered to resign last month after the New York Times announced that he was considering hiring Cabinet members to invoke the 25th amendment in order to potentially remove Trump from office. The Times reported that Rosenstein had also suggested surreptitiously recording his private conversations with Trump to see if the president was trying to obstruct justice. Rosenstein denied the report.

Rosenstein traveled with Trump on Monday for the trip to Orlando and they had a 30 minute meeting aboard Air Force One. Speculation is rife that Trump might face Rosenstein or put him at a disadvantage, even though he did not dismiss Chief Justice No. 2. But the president said their visit was nothing of the sort.

"The press wants to know, what did you talk about?" Said Trump in his speech in Orlando, drawing laughter from the police chiefs. "We had a very good conversation, I'll say it. It has become a very big story, in fact, people. We had a good conversation. "

When asked how the discussions between Trump and Rosenstein were going, a White House counselor who went with the two men and spoke under the seal of anonymity to be frank said their conversation was positive, comfortable and substantial.

"BFFs," the advisor wrote in a text message, using the acronym of best friends forever.

When Trump returned to the White House that afternoon, he seemed pleased to report back to the press: "We get along really well.

And to a striking reversal of his frequent "witch hunt" claims, Trump then expressed confidence in the investigation of Russia.

"I think we will be treated very equitably," Trump told reporters. "Everyone understands that there was no collusion. There is no Russia. Everything was invented by the Democrats. "

Trump is particularly focused on popular culture and, in the past, has not been enthused by critics from superstars with a dedicated fan base. So we could have expected Counterpuncher's president to respond to the musical sensation Taylor Swift after entering politics Sunday.

Swift condemned the policies of Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn, a US Republican candidate in Tennessee and a close ally of Trump, whose voting record, Swift, said "she shocks me and terrorizes me." She urged her supporters to vote for the Democrats.

But Trump resisted Swift's attack on his usual media, Twitter, where it has about 28 million subscribers more than Trump. The president only took the trouble when the reporters asked Monday for his response.

"Well, Marsha Blackburn is doing a really good job in Tennessee," Trump said. "She is now leading substantially, what she should do. She is a wonderful woman. I'm sure Taylor Swift has nothing – or does not know anything about her. "

He added jokingly, "Let's say that I like Taylor's music about 25% less now. D & # 39; agreement "?

In the canon of Trump's insults, he counts as magnanimous.

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