"He's the president": Ted Cruz refuses to say if Trump is a friend or an enemy


Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) Takes part in a debate with Representative Beto O. Rourke (D-Tex.) Tuesday in San Antonio. (Tom Reel / AP)

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) Declined to say Sunday when he viewed President Trump as a friend or foe, simply describing him as "the president".

"It's the president. I'm working with the president to keep our promises, "Cruz said in an interview with ABC News's" This Week. "" What I told the president the week after the election, I said, "Mr. Mr. Speaker, I want to do everything humanly possible to roll up my sleeves and lead the fight in the Senate to keep our promises. "

Cruz and Trump exchanged harsh – and sometimes personal – criticisms during the 2016 campaign. Cruz described Trump as "pathological liar", "totally amoral" and "cowardly coward", among other selected phrases, while Trump was attacking Cruz's faith, threatened to "reverse the situation" on Cruz's wife and suggested that the senator's father was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

In September 2016, after being unreservedly opposed to Trump at the Republican National Convention, Cruz finally reversed course and declared that he would support Trump in the presidency.

The two men will be playing together at a rally in Houston Monday night. Cruz faces a competitive race against Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Tex.) In his candidacy for a second term in the Senate.

"This election is over," said Cruz at "This Week", questioned about insults that he and Trump mutually lobbied during the 2016 campaign. "On Election Day 2016, I really had a choice to make. . . . If I put my hurt personal feelings before representing Texas, it would have abdicated my responsibility. "

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