Hiding between two ads – Tesla in full self-driving a few blocks away


November 3, 2018 by Zachary Shahan

There have been two or three big announcements about Tesla's self-sufficiency in recent weeks. First, Tesla has released an autopilot navigation feature. Basically, the update allows Tesla cars to move from one position to another without driver intervention – depending on the route you have in the Tesla navigation system and all that Tesla engineers have packaged behind this touch screen.

More recently, Elon Musk told us that you can soon "walk your Tesla" as it's a dog and control it like a remote control car for a kid. These fun and useful improvements will come via an update to the Invocation feature.

It's cool to explore the possibilities of each of these improvements and get excited, but there is something more dramatic to expect in the shadow between these two ads. There is something hidden behind the car park and the highway. Basically, we are a few autonomous avenues because Tesla vehicles are fully autonomous vehicles.

Think about it: your car can navigate alone on a parking lot to come to you. He may also drive off the highway without your intervention (once you have confirmed enough times that he can do what he thinks he should do at the critical moments of the trip). What is there in the middle of these two driving atmospheres? In some situations – for example, a hotel just off the highway and a house or workplace nearby – there is almost nothing left to block door-to-door self-driving. In more complicated situations, the car must essentially make its way through the cities in accordance with the traffic regulations in force and taking into account all the peculiarities of life.

This is also where Tesla's approach to self-driving technology separates the self-software-battery-solar business from companies generally considered competitors in this field, such as Waymo (aka Google / Alphabet) . Tesla uses a fundamentally different system. Waymo's self-driving system is based on accurate mapping and knowing everything about traffic rules and common traffic situations in a relatively small geographical area. Tesla's self-driving system is based on learning cars from human driving and adapting to the rules of the road and surprises in the same way as a person. In other words, it's about driving more like a human than a robot with very good maps.

It gets a bit confusing, and after talking to experts in self-driving technology, I discovered that even external experts do not have a good picture of what Tesla is doing behind the scenes. We know that learning in the shadows continues – Tesla's self-driving systems are learning from their human drivers every day – but how much do they learn and what are they paying attention to? We know that Tesla uses neural networks to speed up and improve the learning process, and that the new hardware will improve it a lot, but we do not have much clarity about the practical phase of these neural networks. deal with short or medium-term projections of Tesla's autonomy.

Recent data from Tesla and MIT indicate that the Tesla autopilot has traveled 1.5 billion kilometers. It has also recently been revealed that Waymo's autonomous vehicles traveled 10 million miles. I took a math class a long time ago, but I remember billion being much bigger than million.

As I said earlier, these systems are in fact not the same. They use fundamentally different methods to pursue an independent future. However, the Tesla system teaches humans to drive like men – except for safety, with better attention span, shorter reaction times, and better vision. Apparently, the system is now good enough to manage parking lots and highways. As these standalone kilometers continue to grow exponentially, expect Tesla to lock in the remaining few points between the parking lot and the highway.

At the recent quarterly teleconference, Elon Musk said Tesla's self-driving equipment dominates him in all "comparable" cars. He is about to make this "small" leap of circulate around the car park and drive on the highway at drive anywhere. Maybe people who have paid for complete self-driving by the time they bought their car are starting to look forward to it (the same thing happened when the autopilot launched) but any irritation caused by waiting may disappear as soon as Tesla is sent. the live update that allows owners to download and use early versions of Full self driving. A few years later, when these same drivers are taken care of at work or their car brings them money by dragging people into trouble, I guess they will have forgotten for a long time that they had to wait a few months, if not a year, eat the first fruits of their purchase Full Self Driving.

You may remember that in July 2016, Musk had indicated that the Tesla autopilot system needed at least 1 billion kilometers of actual driving to be able to leave the beta mode. However, it was not known exactly how many kilometers beyond 999 million Tesla would need. "With less than 1 billion miles, there is simply not enough data. 1B is a necessary but not necessarily sufficient condition, "then tweeted Musk.

Are we already here? I understand that the answer is basically yes or almost.

Aside from the purely technical aspect and when Tesla feels ready, there are of course regulations that will have to allow for different levels of self-driving, including total self-driving without a human supervisor (or pilot) alert and able to take over. if necessary. The technology may be ready next year, but when really be allowed to send your car to pick up lawyers or shuttle passengers around the city for a few extra dollars?

We will see, and there is a good chance that Elon announces the news via a tweet.

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Keywords: Tesla, Tesla autopilot, Tesla Full Self-Driving

About the author

Zachary Shahan Zach tries to help the society to help herself (and other species). He spends most of his time here CleanTechnica as director and editor. He is also the president of Important media and the director / founder of Obsession EV and Solar love. Zach is recognized worldwide as an expert in electric vehicles, solar energy and energy storage. He has lectured on clean technologies at conferences in India, the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, the United States and Canada.

Zach has long-term investments in TSLA, FSLR, SPWR, SEDG and ABB. After years devoted to sun protection and electric vehicles, he simply has confidence in these companies and has the impression that they are good clean tech companies in which to invest. But it does not offer any professional investment advice and should not be held responsible for your loss of money, so do not rush.

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