High levels of sugar in mothers may risk obesity in children: study


Maternal hyperglycemia linked to the risk of obesity in children. pixabay


One study found that babies born to women with higher blood sugar levels during pregnancy could pose a much higher risk of obesity in the long run – more than a decade later.

The higher the woman's blood sugar level, the greater the risk of her child becoming obese.

Researchers suspect that epigenetic changes will likely influence these long-term outcomes and that these changes start early enough in pregnancy.

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High Maternal Glucose Rate Linked to Risk of Obesity in Pixabay Children

"The mother's blood sugar level during pregnancy independently contributes to the weight of the child and the risk of being obese later in childhood," said Boyd Metzger, a professor at the Feinberg School of Medicine. Medicine of Northwestern University.

In addition, mothers whose blood glucose levels were higher than normal during pregnancy – even if they did not have gestational diabetes – were also much more likely to have developed type 2 diabetes ten years later. pregnancy than their counterparts without hypoglycemia. the researchers said, in the journal published in the journal JAMA.

Decreasing blood sugar during pregnancy reduces the child's birth weight, as well as the risk of pre-eclampsia – a life-threatening condition in which the mother suffers from high blood pressure that affects her and the baby.

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The higher the woman's blood sugar level, the greater the risk of her child becoming obese. pixabay

If they are not regulated in time, they can potentially increase the number of women and children likely to experience chronic health problems for life.

"The results are important because they demonstrate that even women with mild hyperglycemia during pregnancy and their children are likely to have adverse effects on maternal and child health," said Wendy Brickman, Feinberg Associate Professor.

"Research is needed to identify interventions that will improve the health outcomes of these women and children," said Brickman.

Also read: Weight Loss Tip – Chinese Medicine Ingredient Can Help Reduce Obesity

The study evaluated children aged 10 to 14 years after birth in 10 clinical centers in seven countries: the United States, Canada, Israel, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Thailand and Barbados.

The study included 4,697 mothers and 4,832 children. (IANS)

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