High-quality jobs in marijuana have arrived, according to a report


Jobs in legal compliance and operations management are not just careers in the white-collar world. According to a new report from Vangst, a recruitment and job placement agency specializing in the cannabis industry, these are the most popular jobs in a growing industry: legal cannabis cultivation and retail sales management. . In addition, according to the report, the cannabis industry is expected to grow by 220% in 2019.

Of course, home and office jobs are growing. But as the marijuana industry continues to professionalize, jobs in the fields of finance, compliance, and operations are also opening up, with a staggering 690% increase in the total number of jobs. Jobs in the marijuana industry between the enumerated were offered under titles such as Director of Culture or Director of Extraction. And average wages in the industry have increased by 16.8% between 2017 and 2018. That's a lot of green.

It should be noted that many director positions require complex training and knowledge that is quite common in other areas. Consider compliance officers charged with maintaining an understanding of complex state and federal laws. And the financial directors of the cannabis industry have a problem unique to few other legal industries: most marijuana growers and sellers still do not have the right to do business with most major financial institutions. Federal level.

The study and salary ranges reported were based on data compiled from 1,200 cannabis companies in the country, as well as internal Vangst data from several years of work in the cannabis industry.

It makes sense that jobs in the marijuana industry are increasing, given the speed with which cannabis has been legalized in the United States in recent years. Marijuana for medical purposes is now legal in 30 US states and the legal size of the marijuana market is even catching up with beer and wine sales, mainly through recreational marijuana use, which is legal in nine states. Legal marijuana sales are expected to reach $ 10 billion in the United States in 2017. In its growing sector, it seems unlikely that this estimate will be met and largely exceeded.

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