High school girls suspended after being dressed in a Columbine shooter


Two students were suspended after going to Halloween in their school in Kentucky dressed as teenagers.

The first-year girls, who were not identified by education officials, arrived Wednesday at Adair County High School with costumes similar to those of students Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, reported WHAS-TV, a subsidiary of ABC, Colombia.

Klebold and Harris killed 12 students and a teacher at Columbine High School in Colorado in 1999 before taking charge.

Initially, no one had guessed who the girls were before they told friends, "We are the school shooters," USA Today reported.

"They had pretty much all black with fake blood on their faces," said a senior school official at the newspaper. "At the time, it was not really scary because they did not have any weapons or anything, but it was all weird."

The girls appeared on social media in suits taking the poses of the shooters, especially after the suicides of the young gunman. They also posted photos of themselves next to the new pictures of the Columbine scenes.

According to an image shared by WHAS-TV, the caption of one of Instagram's posts indicated "Bang bang brother".

"We take the situation very seriously and our staff continues to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding this case," said Adair County Superintendent Pamela Stephens in a statement. "The students are currently suspended."

The father of one of the girls, who said that he had no idea who they were supposed to be, told a local TV channel that friends now realize that they have made a mistake. He added that the two men had received death threats.

The Columbine tragedy, which also injured 21 students and teachers, was the worst school shootout in US history at the time. Since then, an armed man at Virginia Tech has killed 32 people in 2007 and another man at the Sandy Hook Elementary building in Connecticut in 2012. Seventeen people were killed this year at Marjory High School. Douglas Stoneman in Parkland, Florida.

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