Higher temperatures could help protect coral reefs


A new study in the journal Behavioral Ecology, published by Oxford University Press, suggests that a higher water temperature, which increases the aggressiveness of some fish, could lead to better protection of some corals.

In the face of global warming, an increasing number of studies are predicting the future of corals in recent years. It is well established that higher water temperatures result in the death of many corals. Over the last century, global temperature has increased by 1 ° F. At the same time, research has shown that the behavior of species living around coral reefs can significantly affect coral recovery.

Researchers here have assessed the relationship between fish behavior and coral performance using a farmer's coral-fish system. Farmer's fish (stégastes nigricans) are aggressive damsels found around coral reefs in tropical climates that defend the algae gardens against the intrusion of other fish. This study tested the relationship between coral recovery rates and the level of aggression displayed by groups of farmer fish when defending their gardens. Researchers have done this by planting small pieces of coral in farm fish territories with different levels of aggression.

The researchers collected data from 29 farmer fish colonies in French Polynesia between 2016 and 2017. They evaluated the average aggression of each group of farmer fish as well as the group reaction when intruders entered the group's territory.

The researchers found that more branched corals resided on the territories of aggressive farmer fish groups. In addition, corals planted experimentally in nonaggressive farmer fish territories sustained 80% greater damage than those planted in the territories of aggressive groups.

The researchers also found that groups of larger breeder fish were more aggressive. However, follow-up analyzes showed that the group's aggressiveness was more important than the size of its members in determining coral success. Fish aggression is therefore probably an important element of coral reef growth and survival in future environments.

Although ocean warming is having a negative impact on a variety of biological processes, this study suggests that warmer temperatures, which often increase the aggressiveness of fish, could enhance the protective function of farmed fish. for corals nearby.

"Predicting the future of corals will require a systemic approach." Ignoring wider ecological processes, such as interactions between species, could lead us to make bad predictions about how certain corals will behave in environments future, "said the paper's author, Jonathan Pruitt. "Warming up a large number of corals, even slightly, can have a negative impact on a variety of physiological processes, but this study shows that small increases may provide better protection for resident fish, but this can not last forever. protection in the world will not matter if the corals can not feed themselves. "

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