Highlights of the Trump Puerto Rico Rally baby airship near Mar-a-Lago


A "Baby Trump" airship was flying high Saturday at a rally in West Palm Beach, Florida, near President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago Golf Complex to mark the first anniversary of Hurricane Maria, which devastated Porto Rico.

The 20-foot airship, representing a chubby baby in a seemingly irritated diaper, was the culmination of the rally of some 800 protesters demanding additional funds to help Puerto Ricans affected by the storm. According to a recent study, the hurricane and the lingering damage it caused cost the lives of nearly 3,000 people.

The rally started with a caravan of protesters marching past Mar-a-Lago waving Puerto Rican flags, blowing up music and honking before the speeches at the Meyer Amphitheater, a few miles away. Trump was not in Mar-a-Lago during the event.

An airship representing the president as a child was transported to London during Trump's visit to the UK in July.

Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, a Democrat running for the Florida governor against GOP representative Ron DeSantis, made a surprise appearance at the rally.

"We should not have to remind this country to do what is right for the citizens of this country," Gillum told the crowd, the Palm Beach Post reported.

The anti-Trump protesters are hoping to fly two of the six Baby Trump airships near the New Jersey President's Golf Club in Bedminster.

A New Jersey non-profit group, The People's Motorcade, carries family airships around the country to protest against Trump and his policies. The activist organization bought the balloons with money collected on GoFundMe after obtaining permission to use the airships of the original British creators.

"Baby Trump is a 20-foot-tall balloon that characterizes Donald Trump's petulant, juvenile nature," says the band's website. "The British who created the ball describe him as a" big, angry baby with a fragile ego and small hands. "

The declaration is signed: "Babysitters."

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