Higking Alligator sneaks up to the front door of Louisiana Home


Florida may have one more share of alligator stories, but a close encounter on Friday reminds us that wild beasts roam away from Sunshine State.

A house in Louisiana was visited by a particularly round reptile Friday when it dropped right outside the door.

The parish sheriff's office in St. Martin shared pictures of the show after receiving a call to the house no doubt frightened.

"Just another day in the life of a police officer in charge of the parish patrol of the parish of St. Martin," wrote the agency on Facebook. "Always look before you move."

It's unclear why alligators seem so eager to serve as menacing mats, but officials want people living among the beasts to know that the change of season does not mean that they still do not pose a threat.

At least in Florida, the Sun-Sentinel reports that wildlife experts warn residents to keep their pets and children close to alligator habitats during the fall.

With respect to the Louisiana Gator, the Sheriff's Office stated that it was not sure of the distance traveled to make this unwelcome home visit.


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