Hillary Clinton and Lena Dunham are victims in their own minds


The week has been hard for the women on the left.

It started with Hillary Clinton, the zombie candidate who will not die, giving an interview to "CBS Sunday Morning" for an article on the "pink wave" post-MeToo of young women running for political office, many for the first time time. time.

Guess who became the star?

Yes, as usual, Hillary herself, who spent a good part of this interview defending her husband's sexual predictions while disavowing his key role in what Clinton helps in the '90s, called with enthusiasm to shame all shame. and all the accusers of Bill. One of these women, Juanita Broaddrick, credibly accused Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978 and never hesitated.

Yet, during the interview with CBS, Hillary would hear nothing, deploying the old scoundrel's defense: Are you saying-but-what-about Trump?

The party that demanded a detailed account of the sexual history of Brett Kavanaugh, who insisted that the accuser of Kavanaugh be heard and which, incidentally, forced Al Franken to leave the Senate for a much lesser amount, finally count with the Clinton. And feminists, progressives and party loyalists who have spent decades excusing their hypocrisies and profits while sympathizing with the mythology that Hillary herself created as the greatest victim of sexism in history. have had. They realized that Hillary and her "gooey rhetoric," as the late Christopher Hitchens so aptly put it, have a dead weight.

The same goes for the left-wing institutions that have been defending it for a long time.

"Dear God, Hillary Clinton. Just Go, "said the Daily Beast.

"Why Hillary Clinton's comments were more painful than Trump's," the Washington Post said.

CNN: "For women, Clinton is a bigger disappointment than Trump."

"It's the kind of moral arrogance and self-justification that has long been a concern for many Democrats about Mrs. Clinton," wrote Michelle Cottle, a member of the New York Times editorial board.

"Tragic and … wrong," said Tarana Burke, founder of #MeToo.

Today, Hillary's approval rate remains the same as the loss after 2016, ranging from 36% to 38%. She has not been forgiven for losing the most winning election in American history – nor should she let her fend for flying and in the limelight across the country. Hillary could not rule out a reality TV star heard filming boasting of catching women "at the p" – wondering why – but spent the last two years blaming everything from Russian piracy to FBI, going through President Obama's lack of support Bernie Sanders for daring to mount a challenge (that she and the DNC have done a lot to destabilize) to the mainstream media of institutionalized sexism for its mortifying loss.

His reaction to this darkest week?

Escape that she could again run for president. Of course! Who cares about the damage done to the party or the country? Who cares about other women or congressmen who are waiting so patiently for their turn? When it comes to Hillary and what she wants – and all she has always wanted is to be the first woman president – we are all a guarantee.

In terms of insignificant importance, totally out of keeping with the feelings of the public, Hillary has no greater heir than Lena Dunham, the millennial soap boxer, herself on a karmic trajectory. On Friday, in an email to subscribers titled "The job is not done," Dunham, a self-styled voice of his generation, announced that his three-year-old newsletter, Lenny, was well done. Once in partnership with Hearst and then Condé Nast, the project began to quickly delete the number of subscribers last year, from 500,000 in July 2017.

The erosion was certainly accelerated by Dunham's vocal defense, a month later, of one of his employees, a writer of "Girls" credibly accused of rape.

Dunham and his production partner, Jenni Konner, wrote in a typically verbose and omniscient way: "During the wave of deeply needed charges of recent months in Hollywood, we were delighted to see so many women's voices be heard and dark experiences in this area. The industry is justified … But each time it is a coincidence, there are also impacts of culture, in its enthusiasm and zeal, that eliminate bad targets. We think, after working closely with him for over five years, that is the case with Murray Miller. Although our first instinct is to listen to each woman's story, our privileged knowledge of Murray's situation allows us to believe that this accusation is unfortunately one of the 3% of incidents of aggression reported each year. . "

Dunham concluded by saying that she would never talk about it again – until she was hit by a tsunami of outrage. Dunham reversed the course the next day and Zinzi Clemmons, a Lenny contributor, announced that she would never work with Dunham again. She recounted that she knew Lena and her entourage – wealthy white children of famous artists – at the university and accused them of what she called "the racism of the hipsters" .

"[It] generally uses sarcasm as a blanket and, in the end, it looks a lot like gas lighting: "It's just a joke. Why do you overreact? 'Is a common answer to many of these statements. In Lena's circle, there was a girl known to use the word N in conversations to provoke, and if she was summoned, she would say "it's just a joke" … It's the only word I've ever heard. time of colored women – black women in particular – to divest from Lena Dunham. "

Murray's accuser was a black woman. Since then, Dunham and Konner, who have worked together for eight years and described themselves as a family, have separated. No reason was given, but Dunham's other public gaffes wanted an abortion, claiming that she could not be racist because she wanted "fk" Drake, accusing Kanye West to promote the "culture of rape" and Odell Beckham Jr. to look at her as if she were "a dog" would not have been able to help.

Dunham's image never stopped defending Murray, and the reaction to Lenny's disappearance – in neighborhoods that should harbor his most ardent supporters – was slim. On the feminist website Jezebel, the commentators were relentless. "Hey!" Wrote one. "Do you remember that Lena claimed to be a feminist alongside all the women, then defended an accused rapist, and then cast a shadow over her alleged victim of the black woman? Good times, good times. "

"I think you meant that readership fell precipitously when people realized that Lena Dunham was pure junk," wrote another.

Like Hillary, Dunham has turned out to be nothing more than a pseudo – feminist and a public reprimand that she herself does not want. has no fundamental value. Like Hillary, Dunham is particularly interested in power and popularity and totally ignores his privilege while asserting the opposite. She only hears what she wants. When her new HBO show, "Camping," was featured for the first time in scathing reviews and a new ranking at Hillary's level on rotten tomatoes (32%), Dunham said everyone was wrong.

"I know it's not true," she told "watch what's going on live" last week. "It's really good."

When asked why one of her casting actresses "Girls" had left the show, she responded seriously: "I was amazing in my work and he could not stand it." . " Dunham has talked too much this week, publishing a photo of her halfway. naked in a hospital bed, pus seeming to flow from her lower abdomen after a surgical operation – but do not be impressed by her body!

"Guardian of the body who is ashamed," she is called. "Raging hottie."

Hillary and Lena, both heroes and victims of their own confused stories. They quickly threw their supporters, readers, viewers. They have been stripped of their feminist authenticity and yet they are absolutely not shameful, their generational generational cling who firmly believe in their greatness. The only pleasure to have is to watch them negotiate their alternative realities, more and more insane.

When Tony Kopoupil, a journalist at CBS Sunday Morning, dared to suggest that one of the women running mid-term might one day become the first female president, Hillary said, "I hope we'll make it happen. earlier, really. "

Then the truth is out. "May be [they] could be the second, third or fourth female president – what about? In other words, Hillary still thinks she will be first.

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