Hillary Clinton appears on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" to ask the FBI to investigate Kavanaugh


While the nation continues to focus on the litigious process to confirm Brett Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court amid accusations of sexual assault, Hillary Clinton appeared on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" and called the FBI to investigate the situation.

Clinton appeared on Colbert's night program to promote the paperback version of her book, "What Happened," when the host grilled her about Kavanaugh's auditioning thoughts.

As noted earlier, the appointment of President Trump to the Supreme Court was close to a key vote of the Senate Judiciary Committee when Christine Blasey Ford reluctantly advanced allegations that he would have imposed himself at a party in the early years. 1980. Kavanaugh firmly denied the charges.

Colbert began his discussion with the former Democratic presidential candidate in 2016 by asking how she weighed Kavanaugh's controversy over the appointment of Merrick Garland, President Obama's choice of the Supreme Court in 2016 that does not allow him to win. has never been voted in the Senate controlled by the GOP.

"That's one of the reasons why I think many Americans are tired of the whole political process. Because in a democracy, you have to at least have enough confidence to be able to work with each other and solve difficult problems, "she said. "When Republicans refuse to give a distinguished judge appointed by President Obama even the courtesy of meetings, much less an audition, it sends such a terrible message. Now, what they did in this case is to withhold the information, they did not provide all the information, which was always made available to the other candidates, and they try to go to the next page. through to the detriment of the American public. who deserves to have answers to all the charges that could be presented. "

In this photo of September 5, 2018, Donald Trump's Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington. Encouraged by the left, Democrats have set fire and fury at the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court President Donald Trump, but their aggressive tactics have put at least one senator in jeopardy of an ethical investigation. (AP Photo / Andrew Harnik)

(Copyright 2018 The Associated Press, All Rights Reserved)

At the moment, Ford plans to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding its claims. However, she has already called for an FBI investigation. Clinton noted that she thought it was a valid request.

"I hope that at some point, there will be an agreement to conduct an investigation. It would be very easy for the FBI to go back and complete the background investigation, to investigate these charges. And, you may know that there is nothing for them, maybe discover that there is something for them. But at least this investigation is over. I think it's a fair request to ask for due process, "she said, to the applause of the Colbert crowd.

Clinton went on to note that the divergence between Republicans between the way they treat Kavanaugh and the way they treat Garland is the "craziest and most cynical policy that can even be imagined."

She concluded her thoughts on Kavanaugh with a simple plea to investigate the claims against him before launching anything.

"Do an investigation, it will not take long," she concluded. "Let the investigation go, show it and go away from there."

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