Hillary Clinton leaves the door open for 2020: "I'd like to be president"


Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTump prepares a fourth visit to Montana to fight against Virginia Tester paper supports Kaine and her Trump ally Corey Stewart Matthew Shepard rests at the National Cathedral PLUS during a weekend event, the door was open to a possible run to 2020, saying that even if she did not want to run, "I would like to be president".

Clinton's comments come amid increasing speculation as to whether she will launch another offer after the mid-term elections.

"Do you want to run again?" Kara Swisher of Recode asked the question during a question-and-answer session with Clinton on Friday night.

"No," Clinton answered quickly, causing the audience to laugh. But when Swisher pressed her further, she added, "I would like to be president."

Clinton went on to say that "there will be so much work to do" after a "Democrat" wins, "hopefully, in the next presidential election.

"The work would be a job that I feel very well prepared for sitting in the Senate for eight years, having been a diplomat in the State Department," she said, listing her qualifications. had often vaunted during his previous career.

She added that she would not think of a possible race after the next mid-term elections.

Clinton and her husband, former president Bill ClintonWilliam (Bill) Jefferson ClintonBloomberg quietly spends millions on television commercials Graham: I will not blame Trump for the "job" that sent bombs to Dems., announced this month that it will be touring 13 cities over the next year and will be leading news and policy discussions across the country.

In September, Clinton published a few articles in his campaign memoir, "What Happened," criticizing the Trump administration's policy and expressing concern that the country's democracy is "in crisis."

It has strengthened its presence in the national spotlight, appearing in media interviews with more frequent frequency to criticize the GOP and President TrumpDonald John TrumpJim Carrey and Trump at the Los Angeles Gala: Shamelessness is not a superpower An alleged Pittsburgh gunman charged with 29 counts Rand Paul sends Saudi Arabia to a rally with Trump Jr. PLUS.

Philippe Reines, Clinton's longtime assistant in a Politico profile earlier this month, said that there was a "non-zero" chance that the former secretary of state was running against Trump.

"It's curious why Hillary Clinton's name is not in the mix – neither in conversation nor in formal polls – as a 2020 candidate," Reines told Politico. "She's younger than Donald Trump's one year old, she's younger than Joe BidenJoseph (Joe) Robinette Biden Unique fingerprint and spelling errors indicating that the FBI was sending a suspected suspect of bombing. How the alleged case of the attack on Cesar Sayoc will develop now? Cook moves Menendez race to the top | Animated debate in the Missouri Senate | O 'Rourke fights to win Latino voters | Bloomberg spends a lot on candidates Dem | DNC talks about the 2020 debates MORE four years. Did she run before? It would be Bernie SandersBernard (Bernie) SandersMillennials uses the word "socialism" – and may not know what it means. Fox's Shep Smith, Chris Wallace breaks Trump's responsibility after indictment of the bomb at the accused courier. Cook moves Menendez race to the top | Animated debate in the Missouri Senate | O 'Rourke fights to win Latino voters | Bloomberg spends a lot on candidates Dem | DNC talks about the 2020 debates MOREthe second and third time of Biden. Is it a lack of support? 65 million people voted for her. "

When Politico asked her if she was running, Reines said, "It's somewhere between very unlikely and zero, but it's not zero."

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