Hillary Clinton makes cameo in the premiere of Murphy Brown Revival


the Murphy Brown the rebirth is just beginning, but she has already scored her first big name: Hillary Clinton.

When returning from the sitcom on Thursday night, the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate interviewed for a position as secretary of the main character. In the original series of the series, the temporary role was played by a group of guest stars, including Bette Midler, JFK Jr. and Rosie O'Donnell.

In the scene, the women reflected on Clinton's qualifications – how familiar she is with "e-mails". The political play of resistance? The contact information on his business card reads as follows: [email protected].

ASSOCIATED VIDEO: Murphy Brown returns with Candice Bergen to CBS

CBS announced in January that the series on an eponymous investigative reporter, starring Candice Bergen, would be back. This season will be 13 episodes, with Diane English, creator of the series, returning as screenwriter and executive producer. It also features members of the original cast, Faith Ford, Pat Corley, Charles Kimbrough, Joe Regalbuto and Grant Shaud.

Candice Bergen as Murphy Brown

Candice Bergen as Murphy Brown


RELATED: Candice Bergen says the oldest thing at home is her husband interviewing her daughter

The original series of 10 seasons was broadcast from 1988 to 1998.

Murphy Brown will broadcast Thursdays (9:30 pm ET) on CBS.

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